It sounds like your heart is in the right place. What bothers me is the fact that you are located in my council. You speak of your DE as if they let this happen. Once you attend a few roundtables and begin talking to other leaders I hope you will see that 1)Our movement is in constant need of dedicated, trained volunteers 2)Our paid staff and volunteer commissioners are stretched thin and 3)Your parents hold the key to your success. I recently became Cubmaster (four months ago I became assistant cubmaster) and at our leader's meeting last Friday I handed out a preliminary schedule for the year containing every leader's meeting, pack meeting, district training, council event and pack event I could get off of the calendar distributed at Program Launch. I stressed to all my leaders that we need to be fully trained, that one of them needs to accompany me to every roundtable, that I wished they all would attend Pow-Wow and that we needed to stress our willingness to take every bit of time that parents had to give, no matter how small. After all, one less phone call you have to make is fifiteen minutes of time you could be devoting to your family. My son just crossed into Webelos, and I will be there for him despite my new resposibilities. Stress two-deep leadership for all your dens, don't turn away new Tigers because none of their parents feel they can step up into the leader role, and above all else involve the families in pack meetings and outings. Don't go it alone. Best of luck, and write if you need help.