thanks to all of you for all of your feedback on this subject. to clear up a few things, i never said i did not support the SM, i did and i do, i just said i could not believe it was ok for them to do what they did and i will stick by my belief that integrity did not play a big issue in this incident. this is not the first Issue with this same group of parents but i am glad it is the last at least for our troop. as the AC paperpusher parent that i am i do not believe i would be doing my job corretly as teh AC or as a parent if i just turned a blind eye and allowed a scout to receive something he did not earn. Not to many years back, if you earned the rank of Eagle you were special and everyone that knew anything about the scouting program knew you were special. they knew how hard you had worked for that rank. Today, it is handed out way to easy and it starts with practices like pushing it through and not ruffling feathers. i totally agree with the no more no less rule but also agree with the rule of show, demonstrate, tell. the general practice in our troop is that the Troop Guide will sign off on advancement for the scouts in the patrol he is working with for several reasons so our general practice was not followed. in teaching boys to be boy led they should be BOY led and having adults signing off isnt showing the boys that concept. in our troop, one of the jobs of the ASM's is to be an advisor for a patrol, they are there for the troop guide or the PL if they have any questions or issues to include signing off of advancement requirements. again, this clearly was not done. I have the support of the SM and he has my support. I have the support of the CC and he has my support. we, along with the rest of the committee are a team. the SM called me aside and told me to just take their initials and dates and i did. now, the boys that were at our annual scout lock-in instead of this family campout were not afforded the opportunity to earn initials on these requirements so they did the right thing and lost while these three families did the wrong thing and won. before you respond, this lock in is an annual event following a long 4 day winter campout. it was on our yearly calendar with final plans being decided by the PLC over a month earlier. these families chose to go on this family campout instead of supporting an already planned troop event because they were upset over an earlier issue of MB requirements. one of their group was signing off on requirements that had not been met, adding to requirements and deleting other requirements. after i told this mb counselor (with the support of the SM and CC) that this was not acceptable is when this group decided to go off on their own. this counselor had been thru the yearly MB counselor training and had actually been re-trained because of earlier issues but still refused to follow guidelines and policy so now you have the rest of the story. I have a very close relationship with the SM and supporting him was never an issue.