The attendance shows they aren't really all that active, at least not all 7 of them.
only 2 went to day camp, the rest just joined Sept 1st!
She's signing all the books, parents seem to be sitting in the back of the room with their mouths hung open. I don't think parents even know that their son's have done anything, or what they've done yet.
We really don't want her to focus on belt loops!! Last year she was asst den leader for wolves and her son earned 30 belt loops in one month!! yeah, we put an ixnay on that, if she wanted that many she'd have to pay for them, so she ordered them from national supply and that was that.
I THOUGHT things were under control after that discussion along with a couple of other pack leader training sessions on how to make things more fun for the boys over the summer. She SAID she has the den meetings planned out for the boys to earn their Bear by the end of January or first of February. I guess she changed her mind.
Unit commissioner is no help, he was a bear den leader last year and he thinks she's shorty cutting the program.