I know this is an old topic but thought I would respond.
First of all, It is always hard to talk about a council's budget in terms of revenue tracking against a certain set of costs. The reality is that the budget looks like a giant pot. All moneys go in it and many spouts at the bottom from wich the money is released to do work in the best interests of scouting. The other part that is tough is that Non Profits do not act like most private businesses because they have what is called fund accounting. The annual opperating costs come out of one fund. There are other non opperating fund for maintenance, camperships, etc. No back to the original question. Camps are a huge asset that require a large amount of resources. When you go to camp and eat a pancake you paid for that pancake. However you also paid for the staff that was there, the program materials, the general season camp maintenance and some of the off season maintenance including ranger/cartaker salaries and expenses. You also paid for promotion by district and council staff, part of the council operations center to answer questions, send information. In addition, someone had to take your payments, send out information, track the camps registration, hire the staff, etc. Our council has a camp operations budget of almost 3 million dollars. One year I tracked all the costs and revenues associated with properties and found that out of 3 million dollars I could count for all but about 50 thousand. Which is .001 percent of the total cost.
So I guess the answer in the Cascade Pacific Council would be yes Camp paid for itself at a one to one ratio.