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  1. I would like to speak to this as a parent of a Scout who lives and breaths Scouts. From the day he became a Cub to today, He is a Scout. He is 12.5 years old, a Life Scout, and is two merit badges from only having his project left for Eagle. My "problem" is slowing him down in order to gain the "seasoning" of leadership, scout skills, and confidence. For the record, I am an Eagle Scout and active Scouter. I have not pushed him, but rather have provided opportunities to participate in events, if he so chooses to. What his Scoutmaster and I came up with was working on Leave No Trace, snorkling, mile swim, etc. These 'other' badges take time and effort away from the Eagle rush. Additionally the youth can be given a job in the Troop that will divert his attention (for awhile anyway) from making Eagle. My son was moved into a troop guide position with a new scout patrol and is now responsible for the training and advancement towards First Class of six younger scouts. This is helping the new scouts and gaining my son the experience in teaching and practicing scout skills and exercising leadership. This has slowed him down without turning him off to Scouting. Will he make Eagle when he 14, maybe 15, rather than becoming a '13 year old' Eagle? Hopefully. But whenever it will be, he will be prepared for being an Eagle Scout. It takes the commitment of every adult involved in the Troop to help the youth maintain his sights on his goal, but to ensure the youth is 'ready' for the life-long responsibility of being an Eagle Scout. I hope this helps or at least gives you some thoughts to build on. Good luck!
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