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Everything posted by tommymcl1230

  1. Hello all fellow scouters. I am the cubmaster for a pack that was restarted after a year and a half of non existing. I would love to have our first pack meeting be a redication type of thing.How can i do this and still keep it fun for the kids???????
  2. I have to whole heartedly agree with Vicki and Ed.I used to be a fox and a good ol fox too NE II-176
  3. First,let me introduce my self. my name is tom and i am kind of new here,so please take an easy on me.Currently i am taking the wood badge program. I am the cubmaster of a newly formed pack in the inner city.The majority of kids are in the minorty and they mostly come from single parent households (some grandmas too). I have numerous opinions on the scoutreach program but that is another thread. My kids cannot go door to door selling popcorn,way to risky.Wow think about that cubby going to knock on the local crackhouse door.Yeah that is smart.So what else can we do sell popcorn at the mall,yeah we can do that and we will. My leadership team will get this going because we have no choice,it is going to be hard but i am a true hardhead.Why did i say we have no choice. It is because there is nothing else here to teach them the values like we do in scouting,they have pop warner football and little league but that is it.Oh yeah they do have another option that is the local gangs or hanging out on the corner slinging dope. how can the local council or scouts help. Just be there for them and listen to there concerns.How about donating your gently used uniforms or sharing your camping equipment.Do you know that 90% of the innner city youth never camped outside or do not know how to swim.The local council can help them get started by helping them out for the first year with funds to offset all the fees and cost. YIS and yip yip to all the wood badgers.
  4. Hi i am Tom from New York. We have just started a pack or packs in a city where scouting has not been around for 20 years.I am the Cubmaster of one of these packs and i really need the wisdom of everyone here. Since this is a new thing ,and i have no idea where to start or what to do after the parents get trained? Where do i start?What is my first order of bussiness after the leaders are trained? Please oh please do not tell me to talk to my DE or commisner.they knew this was coming. I know one thing i WILL not do is be a leader who uses the baggie syle of award giving.I love the way Cubmaster Chris talks on his podcast about awards.Please i need your wisdom here. Thank you
  5. Hi fellow scouters. Next week will be our first parent meeting for a new pack that is starting in a low income area. My question is since most of the parents do not drive and have little income coming in.what can i do to make this a pack fun doing the outdoor thing like camping and just fun things? I have so many questions,like i said this is a brand new pack and we still need to do all the organizational things. MY son wll be in this pack and i BELIEVE that everyone despite income or race deserves to be a part of this special SCOUTING thing we have.I do believe that our founding father started scoutingfor the low income kids back then,but maybe i am wrong.PLEASE help me with some advice!!!
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