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tnthop's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Our troop has not kept track of the award since 1996. I completed the paperwork for 2003 and we received the ribbon for 10 days and nights camping. I had asked our council to check our troop's records to see if we qualified for any cumulative awards. They did not have any records. I located some ribbons our troop has received, but they do not indicate on the ribblon itself the number of nights camping and no one wrote any information on the paper on the back of the ribbon. The only information someone wrote was the unit number, the Scoutmaster's name and the date. We have ribbons of the same color from 1984, 1990 to 1996. My questions were to verify what types of camping is allowed for the cumulative award. Some examples are: Buckskin, OA Ordeal, OA Conclave, staff member for summer camp, cabin camping, etc. I know that we keep track of each Scout's individual days/nights camping for awards of 20, 40, etc. but what is allowed for the unit and cummulative award nights camping?
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