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  1. I agree, this troop may not be for my children. Unfortunately one wants to stay the other wants to leave but I feel if we stay this leader has already projected ill feelings toward one boy and I don't feel he is professional enough to keep his personal feelings aside and do what is beneficial for my child. I have held positions in scouting for twenty plus years and have always made sure my boys and my scouts have been prepared for weather conditions. There are times when I have called off camping due to severe weather and then times when we stuck it out and let it pass. What ever the weather was I always had a back up plan. There was no such plan for this event and one leader was scrambling to find somewhere to take shelter from the severe weather. Thankfully the remaining boys found shelter in a local college gym. Thanks for the impute and we will look for another troop else where.
  2. I have recently asked this question during a cold weather campout where the temps were 7*. I have two twelve year old scout who were attending. I had one of my boys call to come home the first night stating it was too cold for him. The Scout leaders have now had bad feeling toward my son and on the next campout when tornado warnings were issued and I decided to bring them home for a night, they have told me the one boy could no longer go camping with them. I thought camping was supposed to be a fun filled learning experience. I also have two Eagle scouts and during the time they were scouting I never had this issue. Has scouting changed this much during the last ten years? If so I will find other organizations for my children.
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