WOW....32 pages so far on this topic. Look gang, I know that there has been a lot of speculation as to this whole topic being bogus or a sham and that some of you think that the process has taken longer than an appeal has ever taken.
Some of you feel that people outside of the respective council shouldn't have been involved either. Well before we get the boxing gloves out or point any more fingers at one another here is the skinny on all of this. I know one of the key players in this mess and YES it is a real situation that is now in Nationals hands. Yes, it has run the full gamit from Troop to District, to Council and now to National. NO ONE involved has heard back from national yet concerning their decision. Also, in regards to someone out of council helping the Mom in this unfortunate mess out, well, when you air your needs in a public fourm, you open the door for others to get involved. HOW could a true Scouter resist a call for help from a distressed Mom? Remember that a Scout is Helpful.
But the bottom line is that this is a TRUE situation and that sometimes National WILL take this long to fully investigate all the details of an issue like this before rendering their decision.
I would like to wish ALL parties involved the very best of luck in this unfortunate mess.