I had a similar incident occur at summer camp this year but rather than start a new thread, I'll just add it in here.
First, I'd like to comment on what has been posted here.
I see a lot of minimization of the seriousness of threatening a person with a knife occurring in the posts being made. Some posts describe the scouts act as just 'stupid and immature' which is a description that fits most criminal acts. Our judicial system is overwhelmed with those that have acted 'stupid and immature'. It was a crime nonetheless. Of course the act was 'just a bad joke', after he'd been reported. In general I see a lot of posts about what should be done to correct the criminal behavior. Very few discuss what should be done in the best interests of the troop.
In my case, at summer camp three weeks ago, a group of older scouts was going to a camp activity while a group of younger scouts attempted to tag along, much to the dismay of the older scouts. The groups got stretched out such that the younger scouts where behind two older scouts when one of the younger scouts tried to race in front of them. When he did one of the older scouts pulled out his knife and said, "If you take one more step I'll knife you." At this the other older scout instructed the scout with the knife to put it away, this wasn't safe... The younger scouts retreated to camp and reported it to the senior patrol leader who conducted an investigation, which resulted in the offending scouts knife being confiscated and some latrine duty. At some point the troop adult leader was notified, as was the camp staff. The child was not removed from camp, and neither the parent of the child who was assaulted or the child with the knife were notified of the incident and may have never found out had a conversation not been overheard during a committee meeting.
Clearly the adult leaders failed to take appropriate action at camp. The kid should have been sent home immediately. The adult leaders also failed in communicating to the parents of those kids involved. Now what is to be done with the kid making threats with the knife?
Would any of the other troops represented here be willing to accept, as a member, a scout who pulled his knife on another scout?
Would anyone allow their child to continue to interact in a group where flashing knifes and making threats to 'knife them' are tolerated? I don't know of any responsible parent that would. Maybe you'll call me an 'overprotective parent' but a parents job is to make sure that their children are safe, part of this means making sure that you approve of the company they keep.
If this had been any other youth organization the child committing the offense would be removed. No questions asked.
If this was to occur in your home, I'm sure the child would not be allowed to return, and, you probably would report it to the authorities.
Finally, we have to consider what we are teaching our children and what is best for the troop. Does anybody really think that latrine duty and taking his knife away will really teach him a lesson? What message did the other scouts receive?