"I am curious how you enforce the "leader must CC another leader" because that's almost impossible to enforce."
You're totally right, SD. It's impossible to enforce. Perhaps, "firm rule" was inartful phrasing. Out Troop's leaders are told that it's our Troop's the way to send e-mails to the boys and we all have been following it. It's common sense, really, protecting both the boy and the leader. I know it's routinely done, as I'm frequently the one being "cc'd". But you're right. Just like any other YP rule, if someone wanted to foolishly, or with ill intent, circumvent it, it would be a simple matter to do so. It's just a wise practice, IMHO.
"Youth protection issues aside (which can be debated endlessly), I am curious what you hope to gain from a forum."
As membership numbers in town are dwindling, we've been debating how best to keep Scouting fun and intersting for the boys. There are many different ideas that we're kicking around. This is but one. The thinking was that computing, and time on the internet, particularly as a means of keeping in contact with each other, is unavoidable for the boys these days. My own sons log an astonishing amount of time online, despite all efforts to curtail it. *shrugs* Why not embrace the concept? Create a board where they could chat their heads off. To each other. Presumably, in relative safety.
Benefits? Well, info can be shared in an eyeblink. Excitement over upcoming trips could increase ("Are you going on this Camporee? Me too!"). Although our Troop's boys form friendships amongst each other easily enough, it was thought that inter Troop friendships might be made easier ("You mean you're 'Bowline 142'?! I can't believe you think the Yankees will win the East!"). Just an experiment, really, to try to develop another "hook" to keep the boys involved and, possibly, create another selling point to attract new Scouts.
"Is this for communication between troops in your community, then perhaps its an issue the District should tackle and you should leave the youth out of it all together. If it's only for your unit... well I'd advise against it."
Possibly it should be a District effort. One of the reasons for the original post, is to get opinions / suggestions like this. Ummm. But leaving the youth out of it defeats our aims (see above).
"Nothing that can't be accomplished in a forum for a local group like a Scout unit can't be accomplished in a better, more personal, safer way offline."
True, of course. And we are exploring other means of getting the boys to be more interactive in person. An increase in sporting activities, say. But, again, we're just trying to think up new and different wrinkles.
"Look at this site, debates about policies and politics can bring out the worst in people... so unless you want parents arguing about the dues policies and why the line up of campouts isn't as exciting as the troop their son's friend attends... I'd recommend you keep the content to committee meetings."
Honestly? We weren't even thinking of Parents posting (and griping)*shudder*. We were thinking it would be the Leaders and the Scouts. The Board would be moderated. And we had drafted a set of "Board Rules" that hammered home: "Remember, we're all Scouts. Behave that way or you'll lose posting priveliges, etc." But, again, you're right. Yet another thing to consider... See? I was right to post here.
"Just my opinion. From a youth protection issue, if you insist on a forum, I can tell you why we decided to not offer forums for our users."
Uhoh. I sense a horror story... Well, it's why I'm here. Lemme have it.