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  1. our local Ace hardware store caried the keystone fireblocks they claimed it to be weather resistant (i'm still not sure on that one) as far as metal fire rings have you contacted any metal fabricaters? you would just need the bar stock and a bender to make the ring. (if they have a plasma cutter you can get designs cut in before it's bent:)
  2. our local Ace hardware store caried the keystone fireblocks they claimed it to be weather resistant (i'm still not sure on that one) as far as metal fire rings have you contacted any metal fabricaters? you would just need the bar stock and a bender to make the ring. (if they have a plasma cutter you can get designs cut in before it's bent:)
  3. Yes I use my Kindle Fire a lot and would like to know of any apps. Preferably free as I am a volunteer not a professional scouted.
  4. Thank you all for the valuable input. This gives me something to work with.
  5. The kids showing up is not the problem.(we are in a small town and I know where and what they are doing) . it is finding the teamwork building games that I need help with.
  6. I have a troop of 5 boys 3 show regularly (different boys randomly) does any one have some advice on team building/trust activities or games for such a small group? what I got from wood badge was for more than two patrols where they competed with each other to build trust and confidence as well as the ever important leadership skills needed to succeed in their lives.
  7. I drive School Bus. on sports trips any parent "volunteers" need to be fingerprinted and a background check before getting on a bus with the team. this seems extream for a small school (100 kids 7th-12th grade). but in this day and age you cannot be to careful. IMHO.
  8. You could use a bullet shooting crossbow. It was designed to shoot a hardened clay ball at water foul. The plans are in the book THE CROSSBOW by Sir Ralph Payne-gallwey. ISBN 0-76070-250-0. Making the string should fulfill the one of the archery MB requirements.
  9. We currently have 1 Bear, 2 Webelos in the pack. One will crossover march the other in july (By age) the troop has approx 8 boys soon to be 10.
  10. >>The usual answer is, "well, that's different". No, no it isn't>So I'm leaning towards any OD Green pants within a certain color range. This would legitimize cargo pants, wool trousers, and many hiking shorts. And it might actually get us more uniform in appearance. We could discriminate against faded trousers that are now legal, have an affordable option for the reluctant jeans wearers, and accomodate adults who want something more comfortable and/or dressy than the BSA pants.
  11. My biggest concern with the zip pant/shorts is has any of you had any sucsess in keeping them inflated when doing the inflate the pants life vest requirement for advancement?(first class 9c) for some reason all the air leaks out of the zippers and the scout sinks. the other thought is how many different styles of pants are there.not to mention the shorts and kilts. is it the style or the color that is important. I think any OD color pant/shorts will work.
  12. Sounds like you have a wonderful patrol in the making and I hope that next months camp out is just as productive.
  13. I make my children start the fire in the morning (We only have wood heat) they beg to not have to!(we started training them when they where for years old!) as for gifts for scouts I have given small pocket knives and I have given flint and steel in a metal box. they have to make there own char cloth. parents were present when gifts where given out so no complaints have been received as of yet;)
  14. it is an old pack from when I was a scout in '79. now my son is in need of a pack. it is a "Camp Way" external frame and it is the shoulder strap pads that need replaced (basic strap with pad and with grommets on each end and adjusters in the middle) I tried google on the brand with no hits. what i did find for straps cost more than some of the new packs on the market. go figure.
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