In my troop, we elect the SPL, ASPL, QM, Scribe, Historian, Librarian, PL, and APL. I know that everyone says that this way causes issues with cooperation and teamwork in the troop leadership, but I think it is a good way of forcing Scouts to put their differences aside and cooperate. I am a product of this system, therfore I know my opinion is a little one-sided. However, I also understand the SPL choosing his staff and I think either method can work.
The SPL should be elected by the Scouts. How is it a boy run troop if the adults choose the leader? Scouting is meant to be primarily boy run, so the boys should have a say.
In our troop, the Scoutmaster has final say in Troop Guides and JASMs, though he does ask for the SPLs opinion.
Sandyt888 I hope this helps you along your path. I suggest you talk to your PLC and maybe even all of the boys to see what they think. After all, boy run troop