Good Turn 2005: Merry Christmassissippi
Our Troop's "Good Turn 2005" project is underway and we are in need of a few of resources.
We need to print a 4-color brochure that will be inserted into the CD cases along with a video presentation of the project.
We will need about 1000 of these printed one sided on 8.5x11 glossy stock. We also need to print 1000 gift tags (4x6 index cards), 2 color (red and green), printed one sided. We have camera ready artwork in an Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PDF format. If you know of a Scout-friendly organization that might be willing to donate or deeply discout their services, please let me know.
We are also researching various ways to transport adults and scouts from Southern California to Biloxi, MS for the Christmas Party at Keesler Air Force Base on Dec 21. If you have any creative ideas for finding a bus or other means of transportation, please let us know.
Finally, we are looking for more Boy and Girl Scout units, as well as church, veterans or community organizations that would be willing to join us in this project. We are adopting military families from Keesler Air Force Base that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. We will be personally presenting Christmas gifts at a holiday party on Dec 21.
Our Troop is adopting 100 boys, 100 girls and 100 mothers with infants. While that sounds great, Keesler AFB has now informed us that approximately 40% of the families stationed at the base have lost there homes and all of there personal belongings. That leaves us with many more families in need. We estimate that it will cost about $75 dollars per child, including the gifts, the holiday banquet and checks presented to families with extenuating circumstances or dire personal needs.
If you know of an organization that would be willing to adopt additional families, please let us know. A resonable goal would
be to adopt 20 kids and raise $1,500. More would be great. Anything would help.
If your organization would be willing to adopt 50 or more kids and would like to send representative to help in hosting the party and presenting the gifts, please contact us.
We can send you a CD containing video and brochures, as well as a basic plan to use Merit Badges in preparing your Scout for the project. We also have sample speeches that our Scouts use in their presentations to businesses. You can see the video and learn more at
Thanks for your help in this project.
Greg Cannon
The Unknown Scout
Antelope W4-43-01