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Themis's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Our Troop is planning a trip to Valley Forge and Philadelphia this summer. We were planning on hiking the historic trails. I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to hike the Valley Forge Trail? Also, does anyone have any advice for our trip? Thanks!
  2. bnelon44 wrote "However, if a Scout is in a position for 6 months, and the Scoutmaster does nothing, the Scout should get credit for the position. That is in the R & R" The reference to R & R peaked my curiosity? Is this in the Scout manual or in the Scoutmasters handbook?
  3. When a Scout takes on a Position of Responsibility, can the Scout be required to attend a certain percentage of outings and meetings in order to have completed the POR and have it placed on his record? The Scoutmaster is proposing this to the Troop Committee.
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