I believe, the Official Eagle Scout insignia should not be made of pewter, but reestablish the pride for the award and be remanufactured, once again, in sterling silver.
I believe, that the Official Eagle Scout insignia is not truly owned by the Scout. The Eagle Scout recipient has earned the HONOR to wear the Official Eagle Scout insignia for his achievements through Scouting.
I believe, that the Official Eagle Scout insignia is inspired by all who are in the Scouting program; from the youngest Tiger Cub to the oldest adult professional or volunteer Scouter. The Eagle Scout recipient is our representative of the very best of what can be achieved through Scouting.
I believe, that the Official Eagle Scout insignia should be a registered award. That the Official Eagle Scout insignia should always be in control by BSA from the moment it is manufactured, from the time of its presentation and throughout the lifetime of the Eagle Scout recipient.
I believe, that upon the death of an Eagle Scout recipient, should the family heirs of the estate for the Eagle Scout recipient not wish to take custody of the Official Eagle Scout insignia or donate the Official Eagle Scout insignia to a recognized BSA museum, the Official Eagle Scout insignia must be returned to BSA.
I believe, in the matter of auctions, each auction firm must take responsibility for maintaining the creditability of the Official Eagle Scout insignia, that no Official Eagle Scout insignia will be released to the winning bidder without verification that such bidder is an Eagle Scout recipient, or are members of an Eagle Scout recipients family seeking replacement, or by other means of verification before it can be released from auction. It sickens me to see the Official Eagle Scout insignia posted for auction on Ebay by person or persons who are only seeking a monetary gain from the awards historical and merit value.
I believe, BSA should establish a recovery network with all on line auction networks; flagging any Official Eagle Scout insignia being presented for auction and to establish procedures for the recovery of the Official Eagle Scout insignia should a successful bidder be determined not to be an Eagle Scout recipient or are members of an Eagle Scout recipients family seeking replacement. In such incidents, the winning bid is to be returned to the bidder and the auction firm should make necessary arrangements to return the Official Eagle Scout insignia to BSA.
BSA will examine the returned Official Eagle Scout insignia for reissuance or in the case of wear, melted down, and the newly manufactured Official Eagle Scout insignia be presented to a new Eagle Scout Recipient.
This is what I believe