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The Blancmange

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Everything posted by The Blancmange

  1. They realized it couldn't compete with Scouter.com.
  2. Those Duluth bags weigh 80lbs and have no waist belt. Other than a food pack, it would be pretty tough to load a duluth-size pack with 80 pounds. That is too heavy. If you insist on single portaging (which isn't necessary, especially with a group of rookies), you're better off with two lighter packs, one on the front, and the other either on top of it or in the front. Also, Does NT still use the old-fashioned duluth packs with no waist strap? I have never gone through them, but the picture on their home page prominently shows a modern Kondos-style pack with a waist belt. I plan to progressively increase the weight and distance until they are carrying 90lbs. for three miles. That's too much weight, espcially younger or smaller folks. A regular weight aluminum or rotomolded canoe weighs 80-85 lbs. I have seen smaller folks or those who are not in great shape struggle with that. I would simply have them hike with packs of 40 +/- pounds. The 25% guideline from backpacking is a little too conservative, as you are not hiking nearly the distances, 1/2 to 1 mile at the most (unless youre doing the Racers in Queticio),but I don't think its necessary to carry more than a 40-50 lb. pack. Have a great trip.(This message has been edited by The blancmange)
  3. Really? You could say the same thing about kitchen or latrine clean up! That slope is way to slippery It's a grey line, and the punishments mentioned are somewhere near that line. In my opinion, they do not cross it, but I am sure there are others who disagree.
  4. For anyone interested, here is a link to all of the documents filed in the court case. Most of them are decidedly uninteresting to read. Basically the case is in the middle of "discovery," and nothing substantive will likely be happening for several months. http://dockets.justia.com/docket/florida/flsdce/1:2010cv22236/360854/
  5. The only place I have seen or heard of them is on this forum.
  6. I don't know why it won't show up as a hyperlink. One more try: www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles (This message has been edited by The blancmange)
  7. Here is a link to a web cam on an eagles' nest near us: www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles They have three eggs, and the first is due to hatch today(This message has been edited by The blancmange)
  8. Probably not a bad idea for a camp or outfitter, but seems like overkill for those in personal use. My 10 year old MTI vest looks and works good as new.
  9. The discussion of PFD's in the "anti-kudos . . ." thread seemed to be getting interesting enough on its own. What is the likelihood of a brand new, high quality PFD failing under normal usage? Probably so close to zero as to not be measurable. On the other hand, what about the 15 year old orange horseshoe style PFD that has been left out in the sun, stored wet, used as a seatcushion in camp, used as padding to transport a canoe on a car without a rack, etc.? My point is, although these are not the most glamorous pieces of equipment, they do require some maintenance and inspection. Examine them for tears or punctures, check the straps. And most importantly, as they age, make sure they still work. Take them to the lake or pool, and under non-emergent conditions, have someone who can swim jump in with them on and test them. Several years ago, I tried this with some Type IV's that had been used as seat cushion for many years, and they did essentially nothing as a floatation aid.
  10. Stargazing - much better since your eyes can actually adjust to the dark. Work on the astronomy MB. Get one of those green lasers intended for this purpose (which are a novelty in and of themselves) for pointing out constellations.
  11. I think the best advice in this thread is to check with local managers regarding the best practice. Entrails deposited in a warm, fertile lake would either be eaten or decay in no time, while in a clear canadian shield lake, there is very little oxygen at that depth and they would likely stick around a long time. Heck, I think we should just eat them. Problem solved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikKKckxcMTI (This message has been edited by The blancmange)
  12. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your son. Most units, and the BSA as an organization, take violence very seriously and likely would have handled this better. If the incident truly was as serious as the limited information in your post, then your council Scout Executive should be informed. If you don't know who this person is, go to your council website or call your local scout office. He or she will take the matter seriously. Beyond that, I share in the others' sentiment that I don't see a nexus between the fact that you are a single parent (and did not attend this particular camping trip) and what happened to your son. The vast majority of scouts do not have parents attend camping trips. I realize that there are some "good old boy units" who may discourage participation by mothers. However, what a quality unit wants to avoid is interference in the boy-led process that sometimes flows when parents who are untrained and who do not understand the methods of scouting attend campouts. I obviously do not know enough about your unit to opine where they fall on this spectrum. But I can tell you that the vast majority of leaders that I know care deeply about their scouts' well-being and will not tolerate abusive behavior. They will bend over backwards to make sure that a boy feels welcome and can participate freely in his unit. If your son still has any interest, perhaps he should visit some other troops in the area. I think both of you may be pleasantly surprised.
  13. I have a 0 deg. bag for winter and a 30 deg. bag for the rest of the year. I do a fair amount of summer camping in northern MN and upper MI, and the 30 deg. bag may actually be needed in the middle of summer if you get a cool week. I just sleep on top of it when it is hot or muggy.
  14. So this really has nothing to do with a James west fellowship other than the coincidence that the amount of the judgment is approximately the same as the minimum donation for 10 West fellowships? Did the Council have a bona fide dispute over the amount of the tax, or did somebody just screw up? Did they use endowment funds to pay the judgment?(This message has been edited by The blancmange)
  15. So What declension is Webeli? nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, vocative, or locative Funny. I just read this thread today and was going to ask the same thing until I got to your post. Estote Parati.
  16. I found a a gentleman willing to be a NS counselor at day camp as a range safety officer! I'm not sure, but I think thermonuclear weapons might be off limits under the new G2SS. :-) I didn't mean to suggest that it would be a good idea for committees to start doing this; it was more of an obtuse commentary on the sorts who feel qualified to counsel everything.
  17. >>>>>... I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could find some Polish food that is not good. ... No need to stretch the truth to be conciliatory here.
  18. Thanks. I appreciate that. I suppose the sarcasm was unecessary to make my point.
  19. Execpt, of course, that hate and contempt of lower class whites tends to be fashionable among the people who use or excuse the use of this hate language. It sounds like you may be one of those people. Seattle Pioneer seems quite willing to toss about libelous accusations toward other posters. I call on him to identify a single post of mine which espouses "hatred and contempt of lower class whites." Simply differentiating the impact of one derogatory term from another certainly does not rise to that level.
  20. In a fair world, the term "redneck" would be just as unacceptable as the "N-word". Right, because redneck has come to symobolize the hundred of years of oppression white southerners suffered at the hands of . . . wait, never mind. No matter how one tries to spin it, the impact of the two terms is not remotely comparable.
  21. The "redneck" comment was most definitely an ethnic slur. What ethnicity does the term malign?
  22. Does the 20 days and nights have to be scout camping, done as a scout with a scouting unit?? The 20 days and 20 nights must be at a designated Scouting activity or event. I know this requirement generates some confusion regarding interpretation of the long term camp language, but it seems crystal clear about whether it must be "scout camping."
  23. From another thread: >>>>>> Point is this: MB Counselors self-select based on their own assessment of knowledge, skills, and abilities. There are limited exceptions: Aquatics and shooting sports come to mind.
  24. When the OA election team comes to our meetings, they usually ask the SM which scouts are eligible for election. The election team does not do anything to verify that representation, either for rank or camping nights. So, if we had an unscrupulous SM, he could easily have a brand new tenderfoot placed on the ballot. Realistically, there isn't much the team could do to verify this. Sure, they could look at their rank patch, but how many scouts have you seen who don't promptly get their new rank patches sewn on. I suppose later on, someone from the lodge could compare the list to council records, but I have no idea if this actually happens. Camping nights you pretty much have to take their word.
  25. I don't know if it is a symptom of poor drafting or what, but this confusion between the 2-deep leadership rule and the ban on one-on-one contact is pretty common. I can't imagine that Scoutfish's COR has been on too many outings with the scouts, otherwise he would realize how unworkable his strained interpretation is. He is, in essence requiring either 3-deep leadership for outings, or else leaders with very large bladders. People can't go to the bathroom without "finding a replacement?" Give me a break.
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