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Everything posted by tgrimstead

  1. My daughter is a Venturer officer and a Den Chief for Webelos. Why not OA? No good answer. Corp of Discover? Say it with me people "seperate but equal".
  2. WAKWIB, Not worth losing sleep over. Everyone has a quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts. Keep your matches dry.
  3. Moosetracker: 1.) Protestant is vague. Like saying you were born on Earth. 2.) You are claiming your experience is the rule not exception. Paint brush kinda big. 3.) There is about 40 different denominations based on Methodism. The Episcopal Methodist Church merged with the Methodist Protestant Church creating the United Methodist Church in 1968. "Episcopal" is a form of church governance. The Roman Catholic Church is "Episcopal". LDS also, though they never use the term officially. Most Methodist Churches use "Connexionalism" for governance. You also have "Congregational" and "Presbyterian" forms of governance. There is no stand alone Methodist or Episcopal identity. (Usually they are in the name somewhere though.) 4.) United Methodists i would NOT say are liberal. I can say they accept everyone as sinners, as we ALL are. Most people don't want to admit they are however.... 5.) I don't see what the fuss is with TLUSA? Now The Salvation Army people and their agenda, We got to stop!! wink wink.. 6.) Actually it saddens me. To include we seem to exclude. To tolerate ones beliefs we turn intolerant to anothers. 7.) Time will tell that we all lost on this division. Hopefully my son won't have to explain to is son what BSA "was". 8.) Your only Liberal until the next generation makes you Conservative. Keep your matches dry.
  4. Dwise1_AOL: " including Revelations which ironically promises severe consequences on anyone who would make even the slightest change to Revelations." It is "The Revelation" or "Book of Revelation". Singular. not Revelations. No biggie, just saying.
  5. Want to strengthen OA? Let the green girls in.
  6. "Quick back info....The wife and I are starting a Venture Crew, We recruited members, got a Charter Organization, before we contacted council about it. Got all the apps, online training certs, fees ready to go." Contact council and told we need this up coming Venture Leader Specific training....everyone. Advisors, Commitee, Charter Rep, All Of Us. Then Charter training in Oct. ( "which needs to be done ASAP because it affects your JTE you Know"...like I care) On to the Question. .. Will having some of the Legion / commitee members not attend the training cause us issue in getting our charter? I felt bad enough harassing them with the online training. Now they have to give up a day and cash to attend Councils training. I was under the impression only direct contact leaders needed to be "fully" trained. Not Commitee members also.
  7. Pack, Can't get PM working, but would love some topo maps.
  8. I am doing the same thing. 8 Bears, 3 Wolves, and 2 Tigers. Like you I just go through the books and match things up as appropriate. good luck, Tim
  9. It's nice to see fellow home schoolers here. When you tell other others you home school do they stare at you like you have two heads and then ask how do they build social skills? Maybe we need a HomeSchool Scout forum. I turned 18 and ran off to the Army. BEST thing I ever did. They don't care about age, race, religion or social/economic background. YOUR A SOLDIER AND A MAN and they expect you to act like it. Before i was old enough to drink a beer i was an NCO in the infantry running a weapons squad. Calling flanking manuvers. Air strikes and artillery support. Come back and your a "young man" and jobs want someone with more experience (piece of paper/degree) Fire service was the natural transition. Run into places others are running from and make the best call on scene and protect life and property. MARRIED A navy girl and got back to my roots. Realized how much I loved and missed the country life. YES it is my choice to live this way, but everyone has a choice. We really have deviated from original post.
  10. Living on one income. We call it living with in your means. You be surprised at what you don't NEED to live. No cable, No new cars, Alternative fuel, No eating out, Shop at thrift stores, Make Christmas presents, Produce as much of your own food as possible, and supplement income from whatever you can. Mainly just being happy with what you do have. Don't worry about all the things everyone tells you you need to be happy. My wife stays at home because it is more cost effective. Any second income would only cover child-care and fuel for travel ( no public transportation here.) It also would not let us maintain the farm. Fire dept is a 72 hr schedule a week. 24 on 24 off. If she wasn't home we would lose it. Give me a holler 17574061393 mrmanpretty@gmail.com Tim
  11. If you find the sure fire answer on getting parents active, you need to package it and sell it for a mint. Yours in Cheerful Service, Tim
  12. I have P.M.d you twice and given you my phone #. You haven't responded. Tim
  13. B.D. - did we find common ground? josryan - just pictured a bunch of kids in hiking packs on a subway. priceless. Yours In Cheerful Service Tim
  14. Not everyone in the country are farmers, Only those that own some acreage. Very few have new equipment that you speak of. My tractors are worth less about $2,000. Southern farmers are not Mid-West grain farmers. My father always said "if you want to farm, get a job first." because very little money is made in it. Many people in my "neighborhood" walk and ride bikes where they need to go. Many migrant workers pile up 20 into a truck. Over 1/2 here live in single wide trailers. Urban areas are not the only ones hurting economically. We have no public transportation. We have few public programs in place for assistance. Most kids in elementary school ride an hour to the school. Most qualify for free breakfast and lunch program. Please don't mistake that your area is the only form of poverty. http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/37/37139.html Pasquotank County, NC. - average income, $21,000 - white 58%, black 38% - college degree 18% - graduate high school 80%
  15. Most public school here due to the poor public school system, but the unavailability or affordability of private schools. Geographically were different, I'm surrounded by dirt, your surrounded asphalt. Economically we ain't far off. Yours In Cheerful Service, Tim
  16. A humble and well thought out approach Q. Tim
  17. I've you considered combining with another Pack? Your In Cheerful Service, Tim
  18. As the saying goes "We Are Who We Say We Are" - Trustworthy - Loyal - Helpful - Friendly - Courteous - Kind - Obedient - Cheerful - Thrifty - Brave - Clean - Reverent ( no enabler on the list.) Yours In Cheerful Service, Tim
  19. She has left to start a new troop.
  20. Don't forget rural areas guys? Most are mid to low income laborers, migrant workers, small time farmers. Welfare and food stamps are just as common in rural areas. Rural units are smaller in size and less funded. Less Units and long commutes. Popcorn sales are near nil. Most Packs are the size of Dens with 1 or 2 of each rank. My Troop had maybe 12 people at it's largest. Most Troops and Packs fold due to lack of growth. Yours in Cheerful Service, Tim (Non-Rich guy who lives on Farm )
  21. "Tim your new to the forum and scouting.....Your wealthy and live in a very nice suburb. Not all of us have it that easy. Count your blessings." BASEMENTDWELLER LMAO!!!!!! Being New to this forum makes my opinion less valid? How many posts does one need? And you hate Woodbadgers because of their elitist attitude. Yes I am new to your forum but not to Scouting. 7 years in Scouting as youth, coming on 3 as a Leader. - As I don't feel wealth is measured in money, yes I am wealthy. I have a great wife of 16yrs and 4 children. - I am a single income household. My occupation of the past 10yrs is Firefighting, before that I was Infantry. I drive a 1983 Mercedes that runs on used veggie oil, a 1995 Ford farm truck, and my wife has a 2005 Minivan. Nothing new, but all payed for. - I live in a 3 bedroom home built in 1960 on a 5 acre "Farm" where we have chickens, milk goats, raise hogs for meat, and tend honey bees. - I farm the back fields with a 1949 Farmall H and 1952 Massey Ferguson 50 tractors. - I am the middle of 5 kids, home birthed on my families 86 acre sweet potato and hog farm in Pungo,VA. We had a tin roof, plywood floor, wood heat, and NO A.C.! We hunted, trapped, and fished to supplement our meager income that we made just enough to pay the taxes on our Land. ( dad always said. one thing about land son, they ain't making anymore of it.) - I saved my own money from my 4-H animals for years to attend Scout Camps and Maine High Adventure. - I commute 45 minutes one way from Elizabeth City, NC to Chesapeake, VA where my wife and I volunteer. We run 2 Home school Dens at 1pm and 1 traditional Den at 7pm. So you may understand my extreme humor in your statements. You gave scenarios in an earlier post on Den Chiefs which I am assuming you posted in justification of how you run your particular program. I gave responses to assist in solving the conflicts in them. I'm sorry you don't like the answers but please refrain from ignorant retorts. New Guy, Wealthy, Easy life. It makes you seem like a Politician. I have had nothing of such and It has made me a better person because of it. I think you may want to reevaluate why you are in this program as your statements and actions contradict the core values of the program you tout you love and are so experienced in. Yours In Cheerful Service, -Tim
  22. WasE61: I believe it is presented as a morality issue, So no she wouldn't. But who of us is morally pure. Yours In Cheerful Service, Tim
  23. "It is a slippery slope if you have a relationship with a troop and you go to another troop looking for den chiefs....." If they can't help, or are unwilling, we should just not have Den Chiefs then? "The Pack borrows gear from the troop all the time....if the troop started losing boys to another Troop that would end...." Really? WOW! What is wrong with that Troop then? If they act that way i see why no one wants to be in it. "So what if the CO only offers one Scout night a week.......So the troop and the Pack meet at the same time and location?????" Inform them it's detrimental to their program and that Dens can meet any time and place they agree to. Doesn't have to be as a Pack at the CO building. ( unless your LDS ) B.D. I thought BSA was a all encompassing worldly brotherhood. We all are Scouts. The idea is to get boys into the program, not just your version or mine. If you are Recruiting and you meet on a Tuesday, but that is not a good day for them. What do you do? I hope you would give them the contact info for other units that meet on different nights and let them find the best fit. Would you tell them you are the only option? Scouts is a great program. I love it. But the biggest issue with it is people who treat it as some kind of competition, sports league or gang. "My teams the best! We have the most boys, do the most camping, newest tents, Our boys take the longest to get eagle so they get the full scouting experience.You don't want to go over there. I hear they have a boy who got 1st class in 5 months.You can't recruit him, he lives on our turf" "Your a traitor if you move units." Simply Ridiculous. WE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM GUYS! NO ONE IS STEALING SCOUTS! WE HELP EACH OTHER! PERIOD! Our Pack is one of 8 in 2 square miles. We meet on different nights of the week. If someone is interested in scouts but can't make our meetings we refer them to one down the street. We had a whole Den of Webelos that wanted to come to us from another Pack. It was able to get worked out and didn't happen, but we all openly communicated between Packs. Let us Stop the divisiveness. I thought we were all Scout Leaders, lets act like it. SO YES! I say go to another troop to recruit a den chief if need be. A den chief is what's best for the boys and what is best for the boys is what I'm about. If you can't agree to that then i feel sorry for you Yours In Cheerful Service, Tim
  24. "Developing character, citizenship and the ability to make ethical decisions takes time. It's not a five hour merit badge class. " Very true. Many of us adults are still working on it. "The kid who blows through FC in five months, and will presumably continue on the trajectory through the upper ranks, is -- in my experience -- less likely to stay with the program once he has completed the advancement program." So if they are motivated enough to complete in 5 months what others take 12 to do they will loss suddenly lose interest and leave the program? seems an odd thought. Perhaps the answer would be to do away with Rank altogether? Yours In Cheerful Service, Tim
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