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    Olathe, Kansas

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  1. Thats fantastic that those kinds of donations are pouring in, its a bold statement by the business leaders of America regarding the importance that scouting plays in lives of our young men. As far as the scouts being thrifty and the cost of the Summit. As someone who makes his living in the construction industry I can tell you that; First, the scouts dont have the luxury of telling the contractors what they are going to charge and while I havent seen all the plans, what I have seen is first rate and being done right. This will be a world class facility second to none in the world! Couple that with the fact that you are taking undeveloped rugged mountain area and for all intensive purposes putting in all the infrastructure that you would for a small city, plus all the amenities associated with a high adventure base, the cost is certainly not out of line. Wish I had an extra $25 million, Id throw it at this project in a heartbeat!
  2. I'm looking for any scouters from the St. Louis Area Council, specifically the St. Charles area who might have any pictures or images of the old Lost Valley Lodge in Weldon Springs. This was a popular camping location for St. Charles area cub and boy scouts. Unfortunately the lodge was closed to scouts and torn down in the early 80's (not real sure why) and the entire area taken over by the state. I can't find any history on the lodge or images online and am hoping there is a scouter out there who can help. Thanks for your help!
  3. thats pretty funny...why didn't I think of that!?! I also got a kick out of the way the patches are sewn on the uniform.
  4. I am hoping to locate a scouter who attended the 1981 National Jamboree as part of the St. Louis area Council contingent. I was a member of this contingent as well and while we were there we all received some friendship ashes from one of our campfires. We also received a list of the history of the ashes that traced back to the early 1900's...we'll I still have the ashes and was re-typing the list to pass onto my son and his troop but my wife while cleaning up, accidentily threw the original list away before I got it copied. I know this is a long shot but I'm hoping there is someone out there that has that same list. Thanks in advance for any help.
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