Wow! This is an awesome thread w/ some awesome stories! Since I didn't earn my Eagle, the patches that mean the most to me are as follows:
1.Philmont Arrowhead patch - This was from 1988, during Philmont's 50th Anniversary celebration and had the gold border w/ the "50" on the image of the Tooth. My original has gone missing, but the powers that be at Philmont are graciously replacing it. It won't be quite the same, but still...
2. My 1989 "Miner '89er" Tonkawan District Fall Camporee patch. At the tender ages of 17 and 15(me), another member of my troop and I planned and organized this camporee.
3. My 1993 National Jamboree patch. I wear this again now that I am a Tiger den leader.
4. My Aina Topa Hutsi 60 Lodge flap. Nothing major here, it just felt good to be inducted. And I look forward to becoming a member of Manitous 88.
5. My AOL knot. It's something I can show the kids in my den and tell them that they too can get one someday.
6. This is last but not least - My son's Bobcat badge when he receives it next month. He loves being a Cub. And sometimes when I tuck him in at night, he tells me, "Dad, you're the best Den leader ever." If he only knew how frazzled I am from week to week. lol