"'buy the Centennial versions of the Scout through Eagle rank badges', ..... just for that reason."
What reason is that, dg98adams?
Maybe you can tell me the reason why it's okay for me to buy a set of non-centennial Scout through Eagle rank badges, which they would sell to me when I presented the "proper paperwork" in the form of my Eagle Scout card, but not the centennial versions? I'm just not seeing the logic behind this distinction. Seems to me that if I'm qualified to buy a non-centennial set, it should be okay for me to buy the centennial set.
Per current BSA policy (as I am now learning), I should only be allowed to purchase a Type 5 Eagle patch, as that was the type issued when I earned mine in 1980. However, I don't seem to recall having a problem when I bought one of the silver jubilee Eagles back in 1985.
Anyway, thanks for the responses.
Oh well, guess it's off to Ebay for a set to use in my display. I get the badges anyway, just have to pay a bit more for them.(This message has been edited by tenbears)