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Everything posted by tcherven

  1. I recently became a member of a sub-committee, and at our first meeting, there was a lot of discussion, but not any direction. I interrupted the discussions, and started applying skills I learned from Wood Badge. It helped the group really define exactly what we wanted to accomplish, and how we were going to get there. I'm currently a committee member, but there are changes coming. I'm going to be the Leadership Training and Development coordinator. I'm planning to impart some of the Wood Badge knowledge I received to the PLC and other scout (and adult) leaders. I found Wood Badge to be worth it on many levels, but that's my opinion. Like others have said, a lot of the information I had seen before, but not in the Scouting context. An added benefit (one of the biggest ones, I felt) was getting to know other scouters from across the area. I have found that when I have a scouting question, my Wood Badge patrol is the first group I ask; the second group is on Scouter.com. With luck, you'll even be a Fox. All the best in your decision. Tom C-44-06 I used to be a Fox
  2. #13 Religious Emblems Award Silver knot on Purple background with purple border.
  3. Congratulations. Have you been given the Wood Badge warning? Somewhere along the way, they forgot to give me mine, and I''m finding myself creating vision and goal statements. Well, it does come in handy. Especially when you''re in a big project and no one else thought of it. Wait a minute. Ummm, never mind - forget the warning. Just remember the congratulations. Tom C C-44-06 Fox(This message has been edited by tcherven)
  4. This would make a great Scoutmaster Minute. Wonderful story. Excuse me a second, I need to get a tissue.
  5. Using your logic, that would make me TigerTenderfootdad. Congratulations. It''s always fun to share successes of our sons and daughters. All the best.
  6. I knew I came to the right place. My Wood Badge patrol mates had some things for me to think about, as does everyone here. When I look back to my cubmaster days, I was starting to feel burned out in my fourth year. I think now that it was because our parent volunteer base was small, and I picked up the missing pieces. I was the den leader, cubmaster, popcorn kernal, advancement chair, webmaster, and the push behind the committee chair. Not the case with this troop or pack. (The troop and affiliated pack - new for us - is at our church. The old pack was at a school). There is plenty of parent volunteers. I stopped at the scout shop yesterday and bought the Scoutmaster''s Handbook and the Fieldbook. And since Monday, I''ve been putting together a list of pros and cons, both personal and for the troop. I''ve also been making notes about possible improvements and involving the scouts in the planning to move to a Boy Led environment. And I''ve been referencing some of my Wood Badge materials that would help in the leadership piece. The troop has excellent resources and leaders with a lot of the practical applications (campcraft, skills, merit badges, etc) - the areas where I don''t have as much experience. I think the Committee Chair is looking at me more to help get the leadership piece moving - mentoring, guiding, and occasionally pushing the boys into becoming leaders. Today, I''m leaning toward saying yes, but with a caveat (part of the bargaining ahead of time - thanks Beavah). I''d be the registered scoutmaster, but in practice it would be a co-scoutmastership for a year or two. (It would give me time with my younger son) During this time, I wouldn''t be attending all the campouts and I would still need to make most Pack committee meetings. The pack committee meets from 7 to 8 once a month - the troop meetings go 7 to 8:30 - so I''d be at the troop meeting for the beginning and end. I have a feeling that''s what will happen. (Remember - I''ve purchased the handbook, been making notes, and planning). Do you think a co-scoutmastership would work?
  7. Well, it''s nice to know I''ve been doing some things right. The first group of people I approached for feedback was my Wood Badge patrol. I''ve already received emails from most of them - 2 of them were in Troop leadership positions when we went through the course. The situation is actually quite simple: The current Scoutmaster has been in the position for 3 years, and is now in the process of starting a new business. That''s a venture that takes a lot of effort and time. He feels he cannot contribute to the troop as he should, and so has stepped down. The previous Scoutmaster, who has now the troop''s Eagle Coach, has agreed to resume the Scoutmaster position until the next recharter, which is still 4 1/2 months off. I''m not too worried about the "clique" issue. I think that what was meant is that there are some friendships that have developed over time, and sometimes the power gets too concentrated among a few people. As far as my 5 year plan, that''s when my younger son would have joined the troop. After all, I want to spend time with him as his den leader. I think part of the reason I was approached is that I''ll be affiliated with the troop for at least 10 more years, so I''m going to be around for awhile. I asked the committee chair how long he''s been thinking of me, and he said since I joined. I think the current Scoutmaster stepping down changed the CC''s time table as well. Another comment he made, is if I would like to wait a bit, he would find some one else for a year or two, and then move me into the position. (He''s doing some talking to others as well). Our committee chair is excellent, and does his job very well. The committee is very strong, and there are many active adults helping out in many ways. I certainly wouldn''t want to change that. However, the move to boy-led is an big and important step for the troop. I think the CC feels I understand how that''s supposed to work, and that I would be committed to that process. He also believes, (and I do to), that if I took the position the adult leadership would be strong supporters. I believe in the program. My main concerns are the time it would take. Like I mentioned, I have a younger son who has seen me spend 5 years in a den leader position with my older son. I want to make sure I give him the time as well. I just found out that I was given a ninth Tiger scout for the den. I have one parent who is also a registered leader, and a couple of parents who have let me know that they''ll help if I want them to. Yesterday, I was leaning toward saying yes. Now I''m leaning toward waiting another year. The only problem with waiting a year, is the number of changes in Scoutmasters for the troop. I''m not sure if that would be healthy. Sorry for the length, but I hope this answers some of the questions. You have definately given me some things to think about. I like Beavah''s comment about negotiating with the committee before giving an answer. Thanks again, Tom C-44-06 (Fox)
  8. I''ve been with my older son''s troop for 6 months as a committee member, 4 as secretary. Today, I had the committee chair approach me and ask if I wanted to be the Scoutmaster. The fact that I''ve been through Wood Badge influenced him in that decision. He thinks I would be an asset to the troop, especially since I did not come from the affiliated pack. He figures it puts me outside any cliques that have developed. The troop is moving to Boy Lead, but he wants someone who can really help it along. I''ve also become the Tiger Den Leader for my younger son, but I do have a co-den leader. My original thought was to become an Assistant Scoutmaster when my younger son joined the troop, and if needed Scoutmaster. The committee chair just fast-forwarded my plans by five years. The troop has some active parents who do a great job. I''d like to do this, I''m just wondering if the timing is off a bit. I was never a boy scout as a youth, and I''ve only been with the troop for 6 months. Pros and Cons of being a scoutmaster? How much time does it really take? Is it still the hour per week (per position per scout)? Who''s a good person to talk to? Thanks so much. Tom C C-44-06 Fox
  9. This was mentioned in one of the previous posts, but needs to be brought out again. Perhaps there is too much going on, and too many stimuli for this boy. Maybe den meetings for him would be better if it was only his den in the room. Pack meetings - that''s a tougher nut. Again, the key here would be to keep things moving, and switching the focus every few minutes.
  10. You certainly do have an insteresting situation. The advice offered here has always been good, well thought out, and in most cases, appropriate. Here's a slightly different approach, that might encourage some dialog between you and the cubmaster. As you plan your den meeting, invite the cubmaster to lead one of the activities. You could even give him a choice of which activity to lead. When you approach him, let him know the goal of the meeting, the goal of the activity, and how it will ultimately help the boys in their scouting journey. (It wouldn't hurt to let him know you're following your "job description" in the meeting planning either.) And offer him the opportunity to run that select portion.
  11. I don't know if I can count that high. I, too, am fortunate to be within 2 blocks of a great public library - and I visit it about once every 10 days. I read on my lunch hour (which has extended over an hour on occasion). Depending on the book, I'll finish between 3 and 5 days - some shorter, some longer. I also try and find time at home to read as well. I have been known to have 3 books "in progress" at the same time. I read most genre. My favorites being Science Fiction and Historical Fiction, but mysteries, romance, and other types have been found in my hands. In the last 30 days, I know I can name at least 10 books that I've read. Great topic.
  12. I would like to echo what some of the others have said. My old pack and 2 others created a "Pinewood Derby Cooperative". My pack had the equipment, but had never tried to get our timer to work. One of the other leaders had his pack buy the software and got it to work for us. Something like this is a good idea - you can pool resources, and each pack can add something. Create a "Pinewood Derby" kit. Include flags, decorations, and the other stuff to make it fun. Another option that several packs in our area do, is to hire someone else to come in and run their pinewood derby. That way, your pack doesn't have to deal with storage, set up, running the race, etc. You can leave it to someone who has it down.
  13. "Bring a smile, good attitude, willingness to learn and creativity. Gonzo1 SR-59 " And just as important, be ready to make new friends with scouters from all over your area. You'll also have the opportunity to learn more about other's ideas. Oh - and be prepared to have fun. And if you don't become a FOX, you'll still learn a lot. Tom C Fox C-44-06 (This message has been edited by tcherven)
  14. Im in Northern Star Council, which is headquartered in St. Paul and Minneapolis. The council includes 21 counties across central Minnesota (to the South Dakota Border) and includes four counties in western Wisconsin. There are over 113,000 scouts in the council. There are eight camp properties owned by the council. Fred C Anderson Scout Camp 260 acres Cub Scout day camp: 14 sessions, about 50 scouts per session 700 scouts total Phillippo Scout Reservation 450 acres Cub Scout resident camp (Camp Akela): 10 sessions, about 223 scouts per session 2230 total Additional night available for Webelos 1 Webelos Day camp: 12 sessions, about 135 scouts per session 1620 scouts total Kiwanis Cub Camp 110 acres Cub Scout resident camp: 14 sessions, about 80 scouts per session 1120 scouts total Additional night available for Webelos 1 Tomahawk Scout Reservation over 2500 acres Boy Scout camp (3 sub camps) over 5500 Boy scouts Webelos 2 resident camp (at 4th sub camp) about 1500 Cub Scouts Stearns Scout Camp over 1200 acres Cub Scout resident camp (Camp Heritage): 10 sessions, about 80 scouts per session 800 scouts total Webelos 2 resident camp: 8 sessions, about 75 scouts per session 600 scouts total Many Point Scout Camp 2400 acres Boy Scout camp (3 sub camps) about 2700 Boy Scouts Rum River 160 acres Eagle Landing 20 acres Looks like the summer programs serve about 8200 Boy Scouts and 8500 Cub Scouts. Several of these camps are used for other camping purposes as well, such as the camporees, Webelos Woods, winter camping, and leader training. So far, I personally have been to five of the properties (Fred C Anderson, Phillippo, Kiwanis, Eagle Landing, and Tomahawk) with my sons. Numbers were found using the camps websites, the online reservations system (last three or four sessions), or personal visits. If you have any questions, Id be happy to answer them or point you to the right resources. (edited for ease of readability)(This message has been edited by tcherven)
  15. and tents. You can't forget tents. BSA regulations require that all tents be marked with "No Flames in Tents". And don't forget the 53 who tell everyone to switch to the new compact flourescents because the use less energy. Which will cause another 27 to chime in that the compact bulbs contain hazardous materials and can't be thrown in the trash, so the energy being saved is negated by the necessity of hazardous waste disposal.
  16. Check out our troop website: www.mytroop626.com The software and hosting is free; the unit needs to register the domain name. Here's the link to the scouting page of the company that provides the software and hosting: http://decisiondesign.com/decisiondesign/scouts.asp Enjoy.
  17. This is an interesting discussion. When I read LongHaul's post, both my sons fit, as well as one of my nephews. (My nephew dropped out of High School, and later earned his GED - finished the GED test in less than 1/2 the time considered normal and scored 100%.) I'm fortunate that my school district has Gifted/Talented services, thought at most schools, it is one hour one day a week. In addition to having the Gifted/Talented services, however, the district also has a Gifted/Talented School. This is a public school and I don't need to pay anything extra for my older son to go to it. Unfortunately, my younger son didn't score high enough on the test to get in, but we're going to have him retested. I don't think he did as well as he could have (neither does my wife). NCLB is a good concept, I don't think it has been presented well or completely thought through. It's an area I haven't spent too much time learning about, though I probably should. I know I expect my children to do as well as they can in school and to do their best with their homework at home. As mentioned before, parental involvement is needed. Both my wife and I are involved with our children's education, getting to know the teachers, staying in touch, and volunteering for school events. I'm fortunate that both of the schools my sons attend have many other involved parents. It really makes a difference.
  18. I have heard (from the voyageur camp near Grand Portage, MN) that the trappers used to sing as a way to paddle in rhythm, with each other, and in general.
  19. Here is a great website resource. I have used them for both pack and troop sites. The software and hosting are free, yes FREE. (No - I do not work for them - I think they have a great product.) The unit is responsible for creating and registering a domain name. As far as course content: I would discuss policies about names, addresses, locations, etc. I would also discuss appropriate content, having the unit decide on their vision for the website i.e. what purpose to they want the website to serve. OK - here's the link I promised: http://decisiondesign.com/decisiondesign/scouts.asp If you want to see an active site, here are two. My old pack's website is www.mnpack561.org My current troop's site is www.mytroop626.com
  20. I don't have a full ceremony, but I can let you know what we did. When I was the cubmaster for the pack, I first acknowledged the Webelos I and "graduated" them to Webelos II. I then had them change seats to where the Webelos II used to sit. I then called the bears and had them line up. The new Webelos II then changed their neckerchiefs. The graduating Bears (now Webelos I) then sat in the spot where the Webelos I sit. Next came the graduating Wolves and finally the Tigers. Each group had the year ahead of them change the neckerchief. I have also had parents remove neckerchiefs (and shoulder loops for crossover) before moving the den to their new location. Hope this helps.
  21. First - welcome to the forums. This is a fantastic place to share ideas. Second - If your troop can pay for all your upcoming scoutmaster's tuition - do it. My pack paid my entire tuition as it would have been a bit difficult for me to do so at the time. So - when I was writing my ticket, I made sure that the majority of the ticket items supported the pack. I also know in our area that scholarships were also available to those wanting to attend. Another option would be for the troop to cover a portion of the cost for each person. Maybe you could cover more (or all) of the future scoutmaster's since he will be working directly with the scouts, and Wood Badge will equip him with leadership skills to help the scouts become better leaders. For what Wood Badge will give you, the cost is quite inexpensive. (Having said that, though, help with the cost is always nice.) With four of you from the same troop, in the same course, you'll have others around who "get it". Each of you will have your own interpretation of the instruction, and since you'll probably share with each other, you'll see things most others won't. I would be surprised if you aren't separated into different patrols, so your team experience will be different - something all of you will be able to learn from when you're sharing your experiences, and implementing what you know into your troop. Best of luck in reaching a decision, though you've made the most difficult one already: the decision to attend. You won't regret it. If your troop is lucky, at least one of you will be a FOX. Tom C-44-06 Fox [edited for content](This message has been edited by tcherven)
  22. I just finished being on a staff for the first time. I was part of a BALOO and OWLS course. (I had been asked to be on staff for the same course last fall, but was unavailable) I'm not sure what made the weekend so great - it had to be a combination of everything: being outside, camping, fellowship, and being with like-minded people who have similar values. The course participants were a great group of people - some of them were downright hilarious. We had placed them into three groups, and each group seemed to get along very well with each other. And the groups did the requisite poking fun at the staff, but it was all in fun. The staff was another great group of people. One of the staff members (T__) was one of the first scouters I met outside my pack at a district training. Another (N__) I knew from district activities and my Wood Badge course (she was on staff). The course director (M__) was a fellow Fox patrol member from our Wood Badge course last year. He was the one who tendered the invitation both times. The other staff member I knew (P__) was also from the Bear patrol of the same Wood Badge course. The Scout Reservation was a rather busy place. We had BALOO/OWLS course in one section, three cub scout groups had taken over another three areas for their camping, and another area was hosting the final weekend of a Wood Badge course. This was also the same camp were I spent the final Wood Badge weekend. My responsibilities at BALOO/OWLS was teaching Campfire planning, Fires and Fire Safety, and Readyman and Woods Tools. In addition, I was the MC for the campfires and also had my trumpet and guitar. We ate extremely well. P__ and T__ were in charge of the cooking - it was fantastic, and has inspired me to try more varied things when cooking outside. Dinner Saturday night was pork loin and potatoes (cooked in a Dutch oven), biscuits (from box ovens), vegetables, and two different cakes for dessert (also made in Dutch ovens). Probably one of the best, and most special moments, for the weekend occured Saturday night at Cracker Barrel. (I'm getting tears just thinking about it). P__ received his Wood Badge beads. Two of the staffers from the Wood Badge course at the camp came to conduct the ceremony. M__ and I participated in P__'s beading ceremony. And all of us involved in the ceremony had tears in our eyes. We had mentioned Wood Badge and talked about it to the participants. One had just completed the winter course, and two were attending the fall course. After seeing the beading and the emotions it brought, several of the other participants are now seriously considering attending Wood Badge as well. All in all, a fantastic, and very successful, weekend. I'm happy to have been a part of it. Happy Monday, everyone. Tom C-44-06 FOX Patrol
  23. Well - since the Owls haven't chimed in yet, I used to be a FOX, and a Good Old FOX too, But now I've finished FOXing and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, and I can FOX no more! So I'm going to work my ticket if I can! Back to Gilwell, Happy Land, I'm going to work my ticket if I can!
  24. Well, as a FOX, I know I need to wait for the Bobwhites and the Eagles. This thread sure didn't move much from Friday.
  25. This sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Being in Minnesota, it would be a little far for our troop to travel. We have something similar coming up in June, 2007. The Ripley Rendezvous is expected to draw over 12,000 scouts from a five state area - MN, SD, ND, IA, WI. I think it's a great idea to gather scouts from many different areas - the Regional get togethers are more realistic than a National or International jamboree for most of the boys. Thanks for posting - I hope you have a good time.
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