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Tampa Turtle

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Everything posted by Tampa Turtle

  1. Like Kahuna we like to go to a cooler place up in the Mountains during the summer so we are out of council. Our in-council is like the flames of hell in June (but fine for winter camp). We usually go to Woodruff SR in Blairsville or Camp Daniel Boone in the Blue Ridge. I think we get higher attendance because of the topographic change. Now if we had summer camp by the beach we might stay...hmmmm.
  2. Ahhh. My wife and I used to hang out on a swing in the park across from campus. One year she gave me a little paperweight of a couple in a swing dressed in clothes like we wore in ancient times. So I know she remembered too.
  3. I get so sick of cookie cutter Eagle ceremonies! What a great opportunity. I like jblakes idea--outside would be good. Maybe he could come over in a canoe with drums.
  4. Yes we do. It is not always easy--boy led for example--sometimes I just have to walk away in frustration. But as they say in 12 step programs "It works if you work it", A bad CC can sabotage a whole Troop.
  5. There are parts of BSA I don't always like but that is part of the package -FOS and Popcorn for example. I tolerate them even if I do not actively support them. I think the SM's attitude was the tip of the iceberg of a bad attitude. Kudos for your boy for standing up for what he thought was best. Time to move on.
  6. I'd lean toward yes. We have had boys that do almost no Troop activities only individual stuff-I'd be less inclined to give them the benefit of a doubt.
  7. I used to say I was opposed to snacks. Eat before or after the meeting. Some of the mom's insisted but I just let them do it during a lecture time.
  8. When I was in the UK this summer I came across units from UK, Denmark, Netherlands, etc. I noticed their leaders all looked like they were College age.
  9. I think it is an issue. I am 50+ and it is tough. I know the 15+ year old boys can hike rings around me. I know we hold them back. We just got some aged out Eagles who are ASM's. I am hoping they will take the tougher boys on outings more. Mostly my purpose is to shame the slower boys--I am not the Tampa Turtle for nothing.
  10. For cubs it is about Fun, Friendship, and bling. They are in school all day let them have fun and learn things they cannot do at school, "Character Education" is all well and good but will not retain participation. You need an active program or families will walk.
  11. I agree about not arbitrarily rotating the job. A better option would be to create some additional jobs. We had 2 boys who loved leading flag ceremonies so much they practically made a career out of it.
  12. Welcome from Florida. I have been to Murfreesboro, TN a few times when my Dad moved there. Looks like great camping country. So are you double-dipping Cubs and Boy Scouts?
  13. Welcome to the forum. What do you want to do for your ticket?
  14. I draw the line at Webelos. But Siberian Tigers, White Tigers, Gray Wolf, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear are OK for patrol names and flags. Just not patrol patches. IMHO
  15. Maybe not for tune up but for testing new packs and seeing which boys may not be ready. We will do stair runs as well and beach hikes (since the sand is more of a challenge) and it does show the strongest and weakest hikers.
  16. Yes. For a long trip we will require several 1 day 10 milers on a beach or hill with slack pack. For the AT prep more than that.
  17. For the pay question we are assuming the CO will pay until they present a bill...if then the unit would pay.
  18. I'd just not go there. Stick with the BSA standard. If you wish to do something unique do some special Pack patches for campouts or events.
  19. We are seeing the same thing in our C.O. United Methodist Church. They have a new universal YPT course and screening and we have to do/pay that. I think it is the price of admission.
  20. Hmmm. Should have said my Hennessy Hammock. Everytime I take it down in under 3 minutes with no drying needed I remember why I love it.
  21. Ours did it to me. Also saw staff jump on other newbie parents. Should have been handled more gracefully.
  22. Leatherman Micra followed by Nano Light. They are small and light so I have them on me all the time.
  23. We use cast iron a lot but we are in Boy Scouts. All the other pots and pans eventually get ruined anyway. Stay away from teflon especially as the boys scratch that up really fast.
  24. 2 Issues here. (1) All scouts being First Class. I agree. A lot of scouts will drop out along the way but a well trained First Class scout has learned enough basic skills to be helpful and not a burden in an emergency and outdoors. Good goal. (2) The push for 1st Class 1st Year. This is different and it pushes boys through before some of them are really ready. Follow the BSA plan (and I got trained up on it) and you can fall in the "one and done" trap. And that dilutes the value of (1) above. So what is the value of First Class rank if the boy never really learned anything?
  25. I have a few opinions on how some LDS units in my town may run the program--pencil whipping, and Eagle Milling but that is par for the course anyway. On the whole everyone I have met has been polite, pretty well behaved, and well uniformed. OK by me.
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