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Tampa Turtle

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Everything posted by Tampa Turtle

  1. We used to have the most success when the men were the ASM's and worked directly with the boys and the women were the committee and the back office.
  2. I do not think BSA has stated any changes in program but each Troop has different styles of delivery. I believe BSA has stated that there will be no 'co-ed' troops but Boy Troops and Girl Troops under the same CO if desired. I do not think there is no requirement to have the parallel Girl Troop. My point was if you just wanted to stay the way you are and not have to deal with the Girl issue to shoot something over to Council and see what their reaction is. (I can imagine a CO that might not want mixed-sex Troops). Some folks argue that while the program is not supposed to change the social dynamic will change from single gender to mixed gender. (This is also GSUSA'a position on staying girl only) I really assumed you were just asking a pragmatic question like those chomping at the bit to go co-ed are asking about if there will be early-adopter boy-girl Scout units. This all leaves aside for now if you think what National is saying now is what they will do in 2019. Jaded as I am I still will take them at their word. But we do not have a lot to go on. Or are you wanting to re-hash the whole "what is masculinity in scouting" or if it really exists as a 'thing' (my wife thinks it is a hilarious discussion after living with three males). That has also been discussed in great detail here.
  3. Talk to your committee and CO about your intent to stay a 'Boys Only' Troop; if they agree contact your Council in writing and see how they respond. YMMV
  4. Really for that kind of money give him the plaque and a nice dinner and take the remainder into some kind of donation/scholarship/equipment in his name.
  5. I have the same problem. I bend the fingers surreptitiously when I remember and do the whole hand anyway if I forget. Mine won't stay closed without tape. It'd me more important to wear a neat uniform IMHO.
  6. We got some other Eagle-parents who are fantastic....it is just the Eagle-Helicopter hybrids that get a free pass for a while and muck things up.
  7. Yeah we got an Eagle parent who does the same stuff.
  8. "Now now I appropriated Norse Mythology and Literature. But that's OK because...well...because Oxford. And the movies turned out awesome"
  9. I apologize for not capitalizing native americans, medes, saracens but capitalizing Tolkien. Apology not accepted.
  10. Silly @desertrat77, Native Americans are not sophisticated enough to know when their culture is being appropriated. So their approval is irrelevant; others must be offended on their behalf. In fact the whole name of the organization is bad. Order of the Arrow? Arrows are sharp pointy things and an obvious slur on native americans, medes, saracens, and Tolkien elves. It is an honorary organization so name it the Order of the Garter once we start letting girls in. Should make the initiation ceremony a whole lot more interesting.
  11. (I have to do a lot of visioning and community meetings over the years) People often do not do what they say they want to do. So going back to see what worked or what is working is a good start. Incorporating outside conflicts and scheduling is important. Respecting what they DON'T want is important. Working with the newbies and younger guys "to start them out right" is a good strategy. That has worked for us several times in turning around the Troop. I will let you know how to sustain any of this beyond two or three years if I ever figure any of it out.
  12. @Jameson76 like crunching the numbers on what works and what doesn't. It is an always moving target. @MattR I feel the change too with parents and boys....less want a challenge....but their are still some. I want to focus on them rather than water down the program too much.
  13. Yeah I almost got one but told my son the "dad" pin was fine. I think it is fair for a SM to get one because folks have NO idea how much behind the scenes 'stuff' they have to put with.
  14. "F-Troop" when the Indians were still Italian-Americans in a black wig. At least they all were friendly. I see "Rat Patrol" on real late...seems the same plot week after week...guys with a couple jeeps and a .50 caliper successfully ambush a german half-track and panzer week after week spoiling a critical mission. Guest stars have the life expectancy of an Original Star Trek red shirt. (at this point I drop a marshmallow into the fire just to watch in flare up)
  15. I have never been to Seabase. My son was but did the sailing adventure. Frankly I could not afford to send two boys and myself on all these expensive trips. As for a dive watch I have no idea. (My everyday watch is an old basic under $20 Casio. It has been around the world and on many adventures and I noticed my jeweler wore one!)
  16. Son #1 who had a lot of difficulties, handed out 5 or 6. It seems all our Eagles hand out 2 or 3. The Life to Eagle coordinator often gets one and a beloved old Scoutmaster still gets some but the boys who still had him are aging out. One scoutmaster widow often gets one on behalf of her late husband (who died too early). Most go to a Scoutmaster. A few to a teacher, religious leader, or coach. Rarer still are the ones to ASM's. I got one a year ago and was really touched when the scout started talking about me being a father figure and all that--I was shocked. Son#2 is wrestling with the selection process now.
  17. The last year or two we have them come up and give unit and date. Nice to see the old-timers (I think the oldest was 1947) and the college students who came back for a buddy (their old uniform bursting apart). Then they are invited to sit in "the Eagles Nest" which is just the chorus area near the alter...it is actually kind of nice. I am lukewarm on the whole "reaffirmation" thing. But it is the Scout's ceremony. They should decide--or wrestle with their parents on the ceremony.
  18. Went to Troop meeting last night and signed off the final Eagle requirement for one of "my" Scouts. We had a long talk about scouts, school, life. He was nervous about what to expect at the EBOR. He has had a hard year (his brother, a scout in his patrol died), and he has switched schools and homes. I had a similar tragedy at the same age and we bonded more over that, I have tried to help the little I can. I will say he did not cut any corners on his last merit badge (and he had opportunities) But it was one of those nights I felt like it all mattered. Yeah the meeting was ragged and, well the first part was youth lead until some adults bored them to tears. God helped out by smiting the projector with the power point. We have an actual bugler (that is a sporadically manned post) and...well..he tried. Still I would much rather have a ragged ""F-Troop*" sounding call live than playing it over some smart phone. I imagine scouts through time and across the world have shared in some les than perfect bugle playing (those trumpet players get cocky about the bugle and do not practice enough IMHO). *a 1960's western TV show comedy for those of a different era and country. Ask Mrs Google.
  19. People seem to like the Eagle's nest and it seems to help draw a little more attendance.
  20. He's on Babylon Bee right now too! Jordan Peterson Convinces Pile Of Clean Laundry To Sort Itself Out http://babylonbee.com/news/jordan-peterson-convinces-pile-clean-laundry-sort/
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