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Tampa Turtle

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Everything posted by Tampa Turtle

  1. "I think it's more accurate to say they have to have a certain level of arrogance to believe government knows better than the layman how the layman should live his own life." That seems to go both ways; both sides of the spectrum have issues they want to restrict individual choice in.
  2. That looks like fun. I may make one. I have a question: would it be good to paint the cans with black stove paint?
  3. My son found his uncles 1970 green and (almost orange) BSA kerchief--man it was HUGE. You could actually use it for something! He wore it to the Troop meeting (I told him about mixing and matching)but the Scoutmaster loved it and the older guys smiling.
  4. I read about a poll on Politico (I know, I know) that asked groups "if they thought employers with employee health plans should cover birth control at NO cost." PERCENT DISAGREE: White Evangelical 56% White Protestant 47% All Americans 40% Catholic 37% Unaffiliated 32% So 58% folks identified as Catholics said "Sure!". Funny world.
  5. There are a number of research institutions, including the Glenmary Research Institute out of Atlanta that track religious memberships by county throughout the USA. Since we do not ask that on the census it is a big business. Interesting stuff. The catholic church is closing parishes in Ohio while opening new ones in Georgia due to the hispanic boom in the south. How do you measure membership anyway? By the register? By families who show up once or twice a year anyway? It is all a fuzzy number. The Catholic church is losing population in a big way but making up the loss through immigration so they tend to break even. Most major organized denominations are losing members...methodists getting hit pretty hard. Most growth is in unaffiliated mega-churches. Our jewish brothers and sisters are in the down trend as well. Yeah Catholic parishes never like to think you left just that you temporary lose your mind and will be back. Further complicating things is that research seems to show up to 1/3 of active church goers go to more than 1 church at a time or switch almost every year--including denominations. We are religious shoppers now. But so is Boy Scouts, bowling leagues, and civic clubs. So what? We are the nation of joiners we once were. If you are Catholic and deeply troubled by what the Catholic Church is doing fine--grapple with the issues; but I always suspect of folks willing to poke fault at other beliefs to avoid looking at themselves.
  6. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  7. "Between LNT, G2SS, and heli-parents" you are on to something there.
  8. I think Catholics are real touchy about doctrine IMHO because there is more catholic-bashing going on these days. 10 years ago folks were more polite about but not anymore. So they circle the wagons quicker. Contrast with how polite folks are being about Mormonism now because of Romney.
  9. Yeah, I lost track of the point too... Catholics also range from very conservative to very liberal--it is so big that it is not very monolithic despite what the "home office" attempts to make the rule. My mom was a charismatic Catholic and had more in common with Pentecostals than the more orthodox rank and file. Methodists same way--a big tent with different wings threatening to tear it apart. I find the diversity in Christianity endlessly fascinating. There is so much common ground but everyone concentrates on the differences. I don't think one should beat up organized religion on that one--it is true of hicks vs. townies, gown vs. town, blue vs. red, Gators vs Seminole, men vs, women, cats vs. dogs. What is it in out nature that makes us divide? (Hey maybe that Tower of Babel story is on to something)
  10. I think you are both right about Toad-in-the-Hole. We had this "problem" in our Pack. So we had kids food (burgers, hotdogs, chips) and grown-up food. The grown up food was some pretty sophisticated BBQ--dads showing off. 90% of the kids preferred the kids food, 10% would poach the adults. And few philistines like me would prefer the kid's burgers. It all worked out. I would not be too ambitious with the boys. You need to control serving costs with a lot of boys. If you even planned a few vegetables or salad I bet less than 30% would even touch it.
  11. This all really good advice. I talked to both my sons (who rarely agree) and I think they triangulated the truth pretty well. I think I will: (1) Pull the boy aside and discuss "clean" and "trustworthy". I am not sure about the parents. On the one hand I usually want to know what my boys are up to. (fortunately the one with Tourettes tells you everything to his detriment and his brother is a tattletale) So I lean toward telling the parents. On the other hand the lad's dad, I suspect, is a hitter.
  12. It doesn't say it anywhere--its just suggestions to help folks plan! We used to do what you did --"Hmm, cowboy theme--now what could we do that is fun..." The character connections --which most boys have told me is boring--can be handled in a cubmaster minute. Maybe a good story...nothing more. Keep saying "there is no cubscout police, there is no cubscout police..."
  13. Very good conversation. I agree: 1-Save the Texts. Cut and Paste into a text file or something. 2-Tell the parents--doesn't have to be a big deal but they need to know. 3-For electronic communication in our Troop to maintain 2-deep I always cc: a thread to a parent for CYA purposes. If a boy really needs a heart-to-heart he can always see me in person. When I was teaching I got burned by this, I was pretty naive and just ignored some highly suggestive emails from a female (adult) student. But I never reacted or told her to stop or blocked her--it kinda freaked me out. Eventually she threatened to blackmail me. Fortunately my bosses knew my character and hers and I did not lose my job; but I was counseled by the school attorney how bad it looked. By the way one's wife is NEVER amused by that kind of thing "you know my student Susie well there's a funny story..."
  14. The pilgrims were seeking religious freedom from the Church of England not the Catholic Church. Of course the Mayflower colony sought to impose all sorts of restrictions at the new colony but once a lot of secular sailors joined them it didn't stick. One of the first battles was over the secular custom playing of games at Christmas day instead of staying inside and praying. The battle over Christmas began early! Some colonies imposed taxes to support one favored church or enforced restrictions on who could erect church buildings; it was a bit of a mess. Other colonies imposed taxes on everyone NOT in their church. Baptists in particular were considered a threat and persecuted. Papists were unpopular. I was reading "Original Meanings" recently and I believe it was Washington who thought it was a bad idea for public taxes dollars to support one denomination over another. I think he was pretty smart--once you start doing that there are always strings. Moosie I think you brought up a good topic though I wished you bashed our protestant brothers and sisters with as much fervor as the Catholics. Like the Lutheran Ladies Guild--how much baking is insane!
  15. The scale is the scale is the scale. Our pack had only one "official" scale and yes you could show up and find you were at 5.1. One time it was all the graphite that pushed it over the rounding decimal. I have seen cars that were not painted on the bottom go over due to absorbing water through humidity. I would stick with one scale. To me half the fun is the tearing stuff off at the last minute to get under the weight limit. Many hand injuries helping the boys! Introducing other scales or weights will just add to disputes.
  16. I guess it depends on the circumstance. I am neither the bravest nor msot athletic guy in any group; and I admit to being overly serious. Sometimes I do things with the boys to (1) prove I am a good sport and (2) even I am willing to try. It is a slippery slope into man-scouts though...
  17. Boy--talk about a range of responses! I guess I was right to ask. I am an ASM not a SM; but I have know the boy for 5 years. I really like him and see great potential but he is a problem child. I had something similar when I was a den leader when I overheard 1/2 my Bear den boys claimed to be surfing porn and erasing history. I ratted them out since (1) They were younger and (2) I knew first hand. I will need to think and pray about it...
  18. Our camp $5 a day per scout not including food or nothing. $200 minimum or $3 per scout rappelling tower for 2 hours.
  19. Overheard from one my sons, Scout 13, (bit of a troublemaker)was instructing other scouts on how to circumvent online security to surf hardcore porn. Boy is having a hard time at home (serious medical issue in family) and grades tanking as well. I do not think his folks would be fazed by his online viewing habits beyond not doing his homework. I think this kinda viewing is not healthy at this age; I mean I understand WHY he would but think it leads to some unhealthy attitudes. My questions are: (1) Should I talk to the boy about "A Scout is Clean" even though I only heard it 2nd hand? (2) Do I narc on him to his folks? I would want to know...
  20. Yeah this one of those beg for forgiveness than ask for permission sort of deals. I heard this happened a few years ago with a wood track. Pack approached, asked District/Council office, and track ended up "for good of all scouts" where it was lost track of for several years and was damaged.
  21. My family and I attended Catholic mass this weekend and heard the insurance-Obama sermon, (ironically because my wife was avoiding the gay-tolerance sermon at our Protestant church). While I am no longer catholic it was interesting to observe the differences. Catholics are withing their rights to protest for accommodation on the issues of abortion and birth control. The irony is that (and I have a priest-friend who is on the Bishops staff who told me this) is that the Church is steamed over the increased cost of providing mandated insurance. Just like a lot of other cheap employers. Not the main reason -- but high morals mixed up with the church of man.
  22. I have always been confused on the Type II-Type III issue. The Type III seems to be more comfortable and hence folks leave them on. That is what we use most of the time. We use the Carlise paddles and yes they hold up to a lot of abuse. We also have some nicer wood paddles that the older boys and adults will use--younger guys are too hard on them.
  23. We have occasionally done these things--usually when it was a silly game to show that we were willing to make complete fools of ourselves and where our physical size put us at a disadvantage. The boys seemed to enjoy it. Occasionally adult vs. adult with knot tying...one old ASM has has the Troop record for 30 years. Boys seem to enjoy that and try to beat his time. Otherwise we are not man-scouts.
  24. Yeah kinda hard to know. If it was safety --like using a unapproved stove--well I think it might be just a warning to the SM's. If it was sexual --yeah well that was covered by others.
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