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Everything posted by TAHAWK

  1. Boy Scouts and World War II Sustainability http://www.worldscoutingmuseum.org/WWII.shtml
  2. How one can one deny climate change? Where I sit was a mile deep in ice. When the ice melted the seas rose an estimated 100 meters.
  3. Something like what is illustrated here: http://blog.utahscouts.org/varsity-scout-program-feature/courts-of-honor-opportunities-for-committee-involvement/ Basically, it's a couple of logs with holes for candles plus a Scout symbol. See also: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/99501472991203101/ Easy to see the parts.
  4. Maybe. Maybe not. I helped recharter a troop whose CO, a one-of-a-kind congregation, regards its total involvement with the troop as providing a meeting space and signing some papers. They would not even provide a COR. I had a troop in a Methodist Church who were pretty much the same. We were like Al-Anon - just one of many good works. When I had four Scouts who wanted to do their religious award, I was told the church had no one to work with them and I should try the Episcopal church down the street. And they were Methodist - members of the congregation.
  5. But I got three notices of your post. ^___^ And one notice of a post by Stosh that also sends me here. 0___0
  6. Wood Badge, in spite of its other values, is not the answer to ignorance about the Patrol Method and its non-optional nature in Boy Scouting. At no stage in BSA training of adults is the Patrol Method clearly explained. At no stage in BSA training that I can find is it stated that the Patrol method is not optional, although BSA says so several times elsewhere. ("“nless the patrol method is in operation, you don't really have a Boy Scout troop.†)
  7. I wish NYLT spent more time on "Talking to Adults." It's good material, but given the problems role-playing would be helpful. ("But things are not as smooth as when I did all the planning.")
  8. Looking at troops in this area, it has been one step forward and two steps back.
  9. I was just notified of this post. I cannot post. I cannot open some threads.
  10. Is it really such a surprise to hear that who teaches has an impact of the quality of teaching? The NYLTs I did from 2010-2014 all, with National consent, had PP slides prepared by the respective staffers. Our rationales the first time around were that: 1) the staffers would be more familiar with the material if they did their own slides; 2) they would use words, images, and ideas that were more contemporary for the participants, and 3) that the slides that came on the course disk were pretty awful. The 2010 course had female participants, with National consent, a "year early." (They were very strong participants and became very strong staffers. My impression was that the lady in charge at National in 2010 was open to trying to find better practices. Bless her.
  11. Big conclusions based on tiny sample? What percentage is "one's boys" out of those who took NYLT during the relevant period? Is it possible that the quality of training courses varies from course to course? If so, what is Corporate doing to insure that best practices are followed? Certainly not requiring staff to be selected on the basis of ability.
  12. "If I can't answer that question, I'm heading to the State Park and council camps where there is plenty of immediate support and cell phone bars if needed instead of the back woods . Even if I might feel a bit comfortable with the woods doesn't mean I'm taking 20 unknowns with me that I am responsible for their safety." ????
  13. Try reading the syllabus. I never heard this form anyone but you. IOLS is about imparting outdoor skills to adults; hence the name. The Patrol Method is not a topic in the IOLS syllabus. Never was a ticket counselor or Troop Guide, were you. The vast majority of ticket items are designed to directly benefit the unit of the participant. The Troop Guides are trained to guide the participant towards ticket items that relate to his or her primary job in Scouting. Does the Council benefit from stronger units? Yes. And since you supposedly took the course, you know it's Wood Badge.
  14. It seems likely that most who urge us to "make a difference" mean "help change X for the better." Of course, they get to define "better."
  15. Do you have someone in particular in mind whose phrase, as used, you find meaningless? I Googled "make a difference" and got 137,000,000 hits, so it's hard to focus in. It may have reached "good job" status - or "have a nice day."
  16. These three pots plus a coffee/coco pot is a long way towards the Trail Chef Cook Kit and under $60.00.
  17. I was hoping for thought and a reflection of that thought in posts. Does the value of the observation to us, as Scouters, depend on the organization - or the author.? BSA is constantly presenting words that it incorrectly attributes to BP. Are those words less valuable?
  18. I came across an article about a man who feels he got a lot out of a youth organization. Seems like words that would be good to remember.
  19. TAHAWK

    "field uniform"

    An official usage limited to OA insignia or simply human frailty in action?
  20. TAHAWK

    "field uniform"

    Thank you so much, Turns out I can't find my copy. 0___0 Your info led me to this: "The artwork and photos in this Handbook are interesting also because the full Scout uniform ("field uniform") is rarely seen. Instead, the BSA tried to promote its new (and expensive) "activities uniform" option by showing it in almost every photo and drawing. This optional uniform didn't replace the standard uniform, it was in addition to it. It required not only a separate polo-style shirt, but also different shorts from the standard Scout shorts. Most troops continued to do what troops have done for decades—they designed their own troop T-shirt (or used one of the standard ones in the Scout catalog), which could be worn with the regular Scout shorts." Fits nicely with the reference to "field uniform" in found in Scouting from 1995 (noted above) that was contradicted in 2006. So the typical "Class B" competed with the "Activity Uniform" while the latter was around.
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