It may be a minority position Lisabob, but youre not alone, count me in. Some day Id like to see some good data about just where the minority/majority line is among all the people who participate, support, or, belong to scouting. I had started a reply, my computer hiccupped, I lost what I was typing, and saw that Lisabob has stated most of what I had to say and more eloquently than I was going to say it.
I love scouting, I live and breathe it, I have been involved in scouting on and off for a few decades as a scout, as an uncle helping my nephew while his dad was serving at sea, and now as a leader for my sons. But I dont want the government sponsoring units. The VFD described doesnt sound like a government entity so sponsor away. But the school is a different matter. The government is of the people, by the people, and for the people, and is the expression of the peoples will, but it is limited in the things its allowed to do. Its limited so that we as individuals are protected from a tyranny by the majority. If the school/government can own an organization that prohibits atheists from membership than its establishing a religion. If it can exclude atheists today it can exclude catholics like me tomorrow (a not uncommon occurrence in our countrys past). And if it can exclude Catholics and atheists it can exclude everyone that isnt something like Muslim. And if it excludes us from scouts it can exclude us from the basketball team or the honors program.