Well, I can no longer hold back.
I was initially not going to give this a response, feeling that this thread was not worth responding too. But I can no longer hold me feelings back. I visit this thread daily and every time it makes my blood boil. I felt that I had a dilemma that I needed some help with. Instead of getting useful suggestions, I get a big kick in the nuts. Is that really the scouting attitude? I know that it means different things to different people, but belittling people? Maybe I just dont have the thick skin that I need to use this site. I know that with any site, there are always the anti everything type. It is also amazing how someone can really know me and my morals in just a few posts. But there is some good in all this, this Thanksgiving I can honestly say that I am thankful that Beavah is not a part of our scouting program.
I am really a pretty laid back person. I dont normally let people get me upset like this, but to publicly call out my morals, child raising, and integrity. I think that would put anybody on the defensive.
I certainly want to thank those that truly provide some insight to this situation. Sorry it had to come to this.