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Everything posted by T259Eagle

  1. Well, I can no longer hold back. I was initially not going to give this a response, feeling that this thread was not worth responding too. But I can no longer hold me feelings back. I visit this thread daily and every time it makes my blood boil. I felt that I had a dilemma that I needed some help with. Instead of getting useful suggestions, I get a big kick in the nuts. Is that really the scouting attitude? I know that it means different things to different people, but belittling people? Maybe I just dont have the thick skin that I need to use this site. I know that with any site, there are always the anti everything type. It is also amazing how someone can really know me and my morals in just a few posts. But there is some good in all this, this Thanksgiving I can honestly say that I am thankful that Beavah is not a part of our scouting program. I am really a pretty laid back person. I dont normally let people get me upset like this, but to publicly call out my morals, child raising, and integrity. I think that would put anybody on the defensive. I certainly want to thank those that truly provide some insight to this situation. Sorry it had to come to this.
  2. Wow Beavah. I did not see that coming. I am still trying to figure that response out.
  3. Sorry, didn't mean to stir anything up. I am new to leaders wearing neckerchiefs too. When I was in the leaders all had those bolo ties. I wasn't looking to wear it all the time, but more for ceremonies.
  4. The other person was the Cubmaster for his boy and both of my boys. He is not new to the program. His boy is a year older than my oldest. He was a great Cubmaster, and now he wans to move on and follow his son. And I guess that is what I kind of want to do as well. I think that talking this though together may be the right answer. I like the idea of having an end in sight. Maybe that is what we need to sit down and talk about.
  5. Wow. I am kind of in the same spot as you. I read this after I posted my dilema. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=255592 It looks like there are some good ideas here and I am glad that I read this. Good luck with your decision.
  6. I have two boys that are in scouting. The youngest one is a Wolf. The oldest just started Boy Scouts. He just about has his Tenderfoot and Second Class done. We are in the process of starting our troop back up in our town, until now we had to go to another Troop out of town. We had our elections last week and I was the only one nominated for Scout Master so I was voted in. The problem is the current Cubmaster wants out, so that he can join his boy in Boy Scouts. He would also like to be the Scoutmaster. I am actually good with giving him the Scoutmaster role and me taking the Cubmaster role. The problem lies with my oldest boy. He is so, happy that I got Scoutmaster, that he has told everyone. When ever I ask him about stepping aside for the other guy and taking the Cubmaster spot he gets real sad and upset with me. I am really torn what to do. I fear that if I do not take the Cubmaster position that the Pack will dissolve. And if I do take the Cubmaster position, my oldest might quit or I will not be able to be his Scoutmaster later. But I also believe that my youngest will eventually chose sports over scouts, but until that time I want to make sure if he wants to be in scouts that we have Pack for him to be in. I think that I need to know for tomorrows meeting. Lets hear what you guys think.
  7. Is it OK for an Adult to wear the Eagle neckerchief? I looked at that link, and it just mentions the patches and pins, but not the neckerchief.
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