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Everything posted by t158sm

  1. Welcome in. Glad to have another Scouter from the Southeast on board. You've got the right idea - keep pluging away at the untrained. Each new Scouter trained makes the program that much stronger. Keep up the good work.
  2. Cubleader6: We've done face painting at our local Harvest Festival before. We had a few Scouts to man the booth and parents to do the actual face painting. Worked out well for us. Not a big fundraiser, but good for a quick few dollars.
  3. O.K. jkhny I'll bite. You post - "Even when paid professionals are caught dead to rights in lying - like Greater Alabama - there are no consequences. " You post generalities but no specifics. Specifically how was MY Scout Executive caught lying? I'm sure everyone who reads this would like for you to be specific in your accusations. You give specifics about the SE in MY council lying and being caught, and I'll respond with what I know. (Or I'll find the answer.) Simple enough, back up what you say.
  4. My apologies sometimes I rush ahead without thinking. Welcome Kudzu, glad to have you join in. I have a one track mind that sometimes forgets anything but what I'm involved in. Of course gwd-scouter is right For Cub Scouting you'll want to check out - http://www.joincubscouting.org/ This will put you in the right direction.
  5. Visit http://www.thescoutzone.org/ put in your zip code and it will give you the name of the local council and their phone number. (As well as a web site) Get in touch with them to find the local troop(s) and who to contact with them. I'm sure they'll be glad to have you join.
  6. t158sm

    OA ?????

    What the official position is - I don't know. But I have a friend who moved to Atlanta some 15 years ago, works with a troop there yet maintains his OA membership in our lodge.
  7. Just a quick thought: hacimsaalk12 you posted " i am in a mostly troop method troop (we are really trying to change it to patrol)." Why are you trying to defend what you are trying to throw out?
  8. I grew up in a troop that used the "troop method." After becoming a scoutmaster almost 20 years ago that was all I knew of how to run a troop. It is no way to run a Scout troop. The patrol method (What Scouting is about) is the way. I'm a firsthand witness to the difference in a real Scout troop and some facsimile that pretends to be. The patrol method works, without it you're shortchanging yourself, the troop and most importantly the Scouts in the troop themselves.
  9. Here's how the law reads in Alabama: 370.01 - Any person with a valid in-state rodent or snake hunting license my also hunt and harvest attorneys for recreational and sport (non-commercial) purposes. 370.02 - Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of United States currency as bait, however, is prohibited. 370.03 - The willful killing of attorneys with a motor vehicle is prohibited, unless such vehicle is an ambulance being driven in reverse. If an attorney is accidentally struck by a motor vehicle, the dead attorney should be removed to the roadside, and the vehicle should proceed immediately to the nearest car wash. 370.04 - It is unlawful to chase, herd or harvest attorneys from a powerboat, helicopter or aircraft. 370.05 - It is unlawful to shout, "WHIPLASH", "AMBULANCE", or "FREE SCOTCH" for the purposes of trapping attorneys. 370.06 - It is unlawful to hunt attorneys within 100 yards of BMW, Mercedes or Porsche dealerships, except on Wednesday afternoon. 370.07 - It is unlawful to hunt attorneys within 200 yards of courtrooms, law libraries, health clubs, country clubs, hospitals or brothels. 370.08 - If an attorney gains elective office, it is not necessary to have a license to hunt, trap or posses the same. 370.09 - It is unlawful for a hunter to wear a disguise as a reporter, accident victim, physician, chiropractor or tax accountant for the purpose of hunting attorneys. 370.10 - Bag and Possession Limits per day: Yellow-bellied sidewinders, 2; Two-faced tortteasors, 1; Back-stabbing divorce litigators, 3; Horn-rimmed cut-throats, 2; Minutiae-advocating dirtbags, 4. Honest attorneys protected (Endangered Species Act). ARS8007.21 - It is illegal to take attorneys with a moving vehicle unless there are no measurable skid marks at the kill site. Any more?
  10. Prairie_Scouter: I know we have problems, and I know we need resolution in order for Scouting to be that "shining light we'd all like it to be." But, my point is I feel I can do more good in my unit like I do than fighting the council in the atmosphere we have now. National will not take care of the "rampant" problems that have plagued local councils across the country. While in some of the local councils the SE runs what amounts to an autocracy or an oligarchy with a few of his close cohorts. I have had close friends "fight the good fight" only to end up "spreading discontent." I have seen volunteer efforts to initiate change rebuked and rebuffed by the Council Executive Board and good people simply removed from Scouting. What is there left to do, quit? Burn my red jacket in protest? I don't think so. I will work in my unit and try to give back some of what Scouting has given me.
  11. Settleformore: Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. Think of how the leadership corps was supposed to operate as more like an older patrol. Not like how the leaders in the patrol leader's council (PLC) function. In a way you could think of the leadership corps as being made up of what we now call Troop Guides. Their place was to teach, help and advise the younger members of the troop, not to actually run the troop. This is kind of a rough comparison between different aspects of different programs in different times. (Boy that sounds weird) But I hope this helps clear things up.
  12. Quoting Baden: "Whoa folks!!! Lets all take a deep breath and think kind thoughts. I have seen professional Scouters do some questionable things and I have asked the questions. These have been rare instances and in the main I have known Scouting Professionals to be people of integrity." Me too and Amen We have some of the same problems in the Greater Alabama Council as well. My reaction? I do almost nothing but work with my troop, help other units in the area, and occasionally help on some small district task. My time could be spent fighting an uphill battle against the council, but at what cost? Working within the troop is my place - I've made it that way for a reason. I can do more good spreading what I love about Scouting to the Scouts in the troop and others that I know, than spreading discontent about those things that I don't like.
  13. Congratulations BSAChaplain: Like I always say - The more Owls the better. Some are old Some are bold but Wood Badge Owls are good as gold.
  14. Hi KSscoutmom: Greetings from a firm believer in Scouting in Alabama. Here is a page that might sooth some of your fears about the benefits that Scouting can provide. http://www.troop-205.org/100.HTM I had another good page in mind also, but haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking for that one too.(This message has been edited by t158sm)
  15. Here's a link from my council for the application. http://www.1bsa.org/applications/documentlibrary/National%20Camping%20Award%20Kit.pdf
  16. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the Red and White might just be a troop version of the Blue and Gold Banquet. Other than that guess I've never heard the term.
  17. Welcome: Feel free to make yourself at home. After all Scouting is one big family.
  18. This strikes me as very similar to a troop in my area. What council are you in?
  19. t158sm


    Shake his hand and say welcome aboard. Without knowing, don't try to assume. If you still have a question about this, pray for the answer.
  20. Howdy and welcome from Alabama. You'll find a bunch of folks drop in around our little virtual campfire.
  21. MaScout: You're welcome, Glad I could help.
  22. In case you decide to go on with the ceremony - http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/graduation-cere.html http://www.usscouts.org/cubscouts/Bridgcer.html http://www.scoutxing.com/ceremonies/other/ceremonies_crossover.htm Hope these help
  23. Beautiful. Eamonn - You have a good soul.
  24. If an ASM is pushing his weight around then it's up to the SM and committee to handle that. But the problem I see is "Why is the SM or ASM running the meeting to begin with?' That's the SPL's responsibility.
  25. Some of the colors and critters you mention match up to what the old patrol emblems looked like before the last uniform change. i.e. owl - blue yellow But, others don't match. I'm at a loss as to Wood Badge traditions much before the 1970's
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