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Everything posted by szelenskei

  1. Does anyone hold the following scripts at their disposal if not would you be able to tell me where I can find copies of these documents. Thank you for your time. 1) Air Explorer Manual (#3508) 2) Air Scout Manual (#3648) 3) Air Scout Merit Badge Pamphlets Aerodynamics (#3280) 4) Aeronautics (#3306) 5) Airplane Design (#3281) 6) Airplane Structure (#3279) paperback, written by W.H. Hunt 7) Senior Scouting Program Notebook 8) Hints to Squadron Leaders (#3195) 9) Miscellanous Air Scout Manuals Air Scouting Development, 1941 10) Scouting and Aviation, 1941 11) Tentative Program Proposals, 1941 12) Air Scouting (pamphlet), #3472, 1942 13) Air Scouts, #3476, 1943 14) Air Scouts Contests, #4166 15) Air Scout Advancement Requirements, #3022, 1946 16) Air Scout Leaders' Training Course Notebook (#4163) 17) Air Scout Leader's Training Course Guidebook (#4164) Your help will be appreciated.
  2. Sergei I cannot actually try this program yet, because I have not received an answer from the national Venturing committee once I do I will put all of my resources to work and set up an active Air Scouts squad in the Woodburn area. Also I have found sketches of the Air Scout uniforms and intend to use the Air force jackets and possible pants, keeping in mind the fact that we cannot impersonate members of the Armed Forces. And yes, the air scouts will be co-ed program acting as a branch of the Venturing program, which would entitle them to earning the Venturing awards, however, the main award in this branch will be the Ace medal. More information on this topic can be found by searching for Air Explorers (1949-1965) on the Internet.
  3. That is why the program will focuss on aviation and more importantly on the aspects of flying, which will be done as frequently as the funds allow this will be at least once every two weeks. And who says that these restrictions cannot be taken out. And as I have been involved with the Sea Scouts it never seemed to me like all we did was boating, in fact this was done only during the summer and barely once every month. And since Sea Scouts seemes to be working so will this. And why does it have to be so restricted now?
  4. Sergei In the past 2 years I have planned out a way that the Air Scouts can exist as part of the BSA and now will impart my ideas to you. The question of us finding enough Air Scouts pamphlets to guide us through this can easily be answered; I myself have searched over the internet for old Air Scout pamphlets and have found four of them. These can be used to reintroduce the old ratings and awards of 1954 and the old uniforms of 1953. I have also asked over 15 crews in my district if they would want to join this program once it got started, many of them said yes. Including some of the trained adults who have served in the air force or have the proper training to serve as squad leaders. The leadership will be as follows squad leaders, squad secretaries, squad equipment distributors and squad publicity agents from each district will meet once a month to discuss events and problems. They themselves will choose 10 representatives from each district to attend the council meetings. And those who are chosen to attend council meetings which will be held once every 3 months will choose 3 people from every group of 10 council representatives to attend the National meetings. They will hold meetings every 3 months and remain in contact throughout the year through e-mail. All of these meetings will be supervised by 5 adults over the age of 21. However, the number of adults will increase by 10 when the National meetings are held. This program will bring back the old Air Scout uniforms ratings, and the famous ace medal, although the symbol will be changed to suite the 21 century. Also the uniform will hold a few more additions, such as blue berays, and collar pins. This program will need to be given its own branch and finally be rid of the CAP program since if it continues this way the old traditions and the Exploring oath will be lost to time. We would also need to work with the Air Force to provide us with proper training and even old airplanes, which does not seem to be very much to ask, since the Navy and coast guard provide the Sea Scouts with their own boats. While the BSA would have to bring back the aerodynamics, aeronautics, airplane design, and airplane structure merit badges. The Air Scouts have to be brought back and through these acts we will be able to do this.
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