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Everything posted by Sympleesmshn

  1. I am a Sea Scout, and can say we do not wear blue sashs. The order members were all Boy Scouts at one point, so we wear the standard sash. In some lodges they may have blue ones, but I believe that there are few ships that have them
  2. I took some pictures of it and will post them on my website soon, and post a link.
  3. From what I understand you have to be a member of Boy Scouts to be in the Order. Any ways, to those who have a venture/Sea Scout unit, what my unit dose is just wear the red and whit ribbion, no flap. Also from what I understand, no flap if you are not active, and you can wear the ribbion and/or the flap.
  4. Anyone's lodge have an offical Neckerchief slides? My dad has one from his lodge in the late 60's.
  5. Yes I am, but it is a thing that I only share with other brothers. I feel that even if you know about the order, You DON'T know the order. I PROUDLY serve as a "friend" at each ordeal and am one of about 5 Sea Scout/Boy Scouts in the lodge(also the only Eagle Scout/Sea Scout in the Lodge). The ordeals have taught me a lot. I am proud of the title I wear and realize that I have a debt to pay back for years to come.
  6. What exactly are you looking for? I would love to trade...2 for 2 maybe. I will send a pm with my email.
  7. I can not believe no one will wants to trade. Let me know if I am wrong. I am now looking for some Miwok stuff. Maybe some of you wiser guys out there can help ID some Miwok items my dad gave to me.
  8. I have some stuff I would like to trade to anyone out there. I usally trade 1:1 both OA and Council strips (I like OA stuff better). I have some other SR-7A patches and a few old Miwok patches. I am interested in shrap colorful patches and Chenilles. I am also missing some of my own lodges stuff and will trade for it. I have a few jacket patches to boot. PM me and let me know what you have and would like to trade and what you want and we will see if it can happen. In Brotherhood
  9. I have one or two put I am not sure if I want to part with them. PM me and let me know what you have and I might trade. The one I know I can get at is UV color changing. Chris
  10. My lodge passed in it's bylaws the use of a white arrow on a red sash for all "friends" who have completed training and have served for 3 straight ordeals. Orginally this was only for when working at the ordeals, but the lodge changed the rule to include all lodge events. I don't think we can wear them at section or national events, though I may be wrong.(This message has been edited by Sympleesmshn)
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