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Everything posted by SWScouter

  1. One time at roundtable, I witnessed my first beading ceremony. When all the wood badgers started singing the song, patrol by patrol, I was hooked, I wanted to be a part of that. SWScouter I used to be an Eagle
  2. Wasn't Sputnik the first manned rocket? What does this thread have to do with Sputnik?(This message has been edited by SWScouter)
  3. Tally ho Semper, spur us on towards the mane topic.
  4. Whoa says I. I won't want to stirrup this mess any more than it already is.
  5. Why? Might uncontrolled females go berserk without a husband to control them? Oh, I can't wait for the video, "Female Scouters Gone Wild!"
  6. I have this picture of a scout riding a stationary bike placed in the bed of a pickup that the MB counselor drives for 50 miles. Of course, that is against the G2SS. SWScouter
  7. My den is a disaster. There are a couple of bookshelves that are packed with books, journals, and stuff in front of the books. There are books and such stacked all over the floor. There are reciepts piled up and falling of the desk. Stuff gets knocked off so there is room to move the computer mouse. I still have to pick up all the stuff on the floor for last years taxes and flex reimbursement account. There is stuff from being den leader (that ended last Feb.) My son's shadow box is on the floor and all the patches and stuff for it are strewn about. There's some camping gear and Camelbacks and such strewn about. There is a path for my wife to push the vacuum to the closet. My wife's like Eamonn's. She keeps a tight ship. Somehow I was able to let the den become unmanageable. I really can't figure out how she let me. Perhaps she was experimenting to see how far it would go. My dear wife gave me an ultimatem last week. The room must be fixed by the end of September or she will take care of it. That could cost me thousands in redecorating fees. I'm trying to decide what would be the least painful route to take: fix it myself or let her. SWScouter
  8. Yeah, you may be champing at the bit to post, but just rein it in.
  9. Hunt, I resent it too. Perhaps we should take Acco40 out back and teach him a lesson.
  10. I agree with Drmicrowave72. It would be great if the committee (and you) could attend the committee challenge as a committee! SWScouter
  11. 1. Eastern Orthodox (100%) 2. Roman Catholic (100%) 3. Orthodox Quaker (97%) 4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (93%) 5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%) 6. Seventh Day Adventist (79%) 7. Islam (73%) 8. Orthodox Judaism (73%) 9. Bah' Faith (65%) 10. Liberal Quakers (58%) 11. Sikhism (55%) 12. Reform Judaism (53%) 13. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (47%) 14. Unitarian Universalism (46%) 15. Hinduism (46%) 16. Jainism (39%) 17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%) 18. Jehovah's Witness (33%) 19. Mahayana Buddhism (30%) 20. Theravada Buddhism (29%) 21. Scientology (28%) 22. Neo-Pagan (27%) 23. Nontheist (25%) 24. Secular Humanism (25%) 25. New Age (24%) 26. New Thought (23%) 27. Taoism (23%) Assuming Eastern Orthodox was placed before Roman Catholic because it starts with an E instead of an R, it appears I go to the right church. It seems a simple matter to adjust ones answers to get the religion one wants at the top. SWScouter
  12. At Cub Resident camp, checking on the two cubs whose parents didn't come, "I'm homesick." Then the other, "I'm homesick too." Followed by harmonized crying. If ever there was a time I wished I could have entered the scouts' tent and given them a hug and pat on the back, that was it. Thank goodness I was able to manage from the tent door. SWScouter
  13. We have a high functioning autistic scout in the troop. I believe he is 14 and starting 9th grade. I don't know what it was like with him when he was 11. His mother is on the troop committee and is very active with the troop. She usually attends the outings. He is a great scout and young man. He seems more gung-ho about scouts than any of the other scouts. He knows his scout craft. Currently he is the SPL. He struggles at times but he is doing fine. At times he has trouble putting his thoughts into words and speaking; that is how his autism shows. All the scouts and adults have the deepest respect for him, it's really a great thing to be a part of. My understanding is that scouting and the troop have been a very positive and beneficial influence on his growth and performance. I feel very sorry for the young scout the troop is being sued for. It's too bad he won't have the opportunity in scouts that the young man I know has. SWScouter
  14. FB wrote, "No monthly Patrol Leaders Council meetings -- Again, based on your council this may or may not be as feasible as youd like." I'm having trouble understanding what the council has to do with whether the Patrol Leaders Council meets monthly or not. When you say council, do you mean PLC? I read it as the council all the troops in your district are a part of. Thanks, SWScouter
  15. Thanks for the wonderful suggestions. Please keep them coming. Also, if you remember a specific camporee event from your youth, please include it. Thanks again, SWScouter
  16. The past three years I've been on Cub Roundtable staff. The first year I was a Den Leader and the next two a Webelos Den Leader. Normally I was the only person from the pack that attended roundtable. Every once in awhile the CC or another DL would show up but that was rare. Currently I'm an SA. I'm looking forward to attending roundtable and not running a breakout. I'm also looking forward to running over to the OA chapter meeting (same time and place) Usually the SM, an SA or two and the CC are at roundtable. It's a nice change from the pack. SWScouter
  17. Hi, It looks like I'm the program chair for the district fall camporee. The camporee is on a ranch and the theme is stepping back in time. I'd really like to set up a great program, so I've been doing some searches here and elsewhere on camporee events and there's some ideas that seem really great. But are they? So, if you went to a camporee as a youth, what event that you did really stands out. When you look back at your camporee experiences, what do you remember doing, and enjoying Thank you, SWScouter
  18. And another eagle says congrats! I used to be an Eagle SWScouter
  19. Evmori wrote, "I will have your wife added to my church prayer list." I'm sorry, but I got a little chuckle out of this picturing Ed talking to the church receptionist, "Hi, I'd like to add Eamonn's Her Who Must Be Obeyed to our prayer list..." In all seriousness though, my heart and prayers goes out to you and your family Eamonn, especially your wife. SWScouter
  20. Lisa'bob wrote, "Most of them only own one pair of anything uniform-related and I tell you, it was a smelly car ride home after one of them took his shoes off in my car." Some of the adults have started to bring along a bottle of Febreez or whatever it's called and spray the scouts one by one as they enter their vehicle at the end of camp. It does help. I would have sprayed the socks myself. SWScouter
  21. BrentAllen, Thanks for the info. I'm really looking for a simpler response on how the material handles sparks, not flames. For example, if I'm sitting near a campfire in a pair of jeans and a spark jumps out and lands on my leg, I can more or less leisurely brush it off and there really is no harm done. If I'm wearing a pair of supplex nylon pants and a spark lands on them, will it melt a hole in the pants immediately, or do I have time to leisurely brush the spark off the pants with no harm done? If I have to worry about having sparks melt holes in my pants when I sit around a campfire, then I really don't know how enthusiastic I'll be when I go to the scout shop and the pants are hanging there waiting to be bought. SWScouter
  22. A copy of the blue card (actually 3 blue cards) can be seen at http://www.meritbadge.com/files/bluecard.pdf Page 1 is the front, and page 2 is the back. Realize that the page 2 right section is the back of the page 1 left section and vice-versa. SWScouter
  23. SWScouter


    A few years back I was handed the pack's by-laws. There was a section on uniforming in it. There was a sentence basically stating that the pants weren't needed because of how, and I qoute, "unflattering" they were! I kid you not! SWScouter
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