Yep, real name is Tim Taylor. All my life it's been so!
I can see the potluck working much better at a Troop than at a Pack. (I'm an ASM at my older son's Troop and see a huge difference in....orderly conduct! To be expected though.)
We had parents sign up last week for what they wanted to bring to last night's P/L. Each Den was to bring a certain type of dish to avoid all desserts or whatnot. Unfortunately the Wolf Den, which was assigned the main dish, happens to be made up of the least responsible families as it turns out! Reminders were e-mailed out to the families by the Committee Secretary and everything. I can't imagine how we could have organized the thing any better! Which makes it all the more amazing and humorous to me!
What absolutely stuns me, however, is the behavior of some of the parents--that they themselves, let alone their kids, would go back for heaping seconds before the other tables had even been called! I guess I assumed common sense is more common than it apparently is! And yes, we even called them in by table, two tables at a time, to line up. Not that this was abided by, mind you...
Bottom line, I guess, is that we assumed too much. We assumed people would honor their commitment to bring their dish and that, if they forgot (hey, it happens), then we assumed they would not partake themselves unless there was any left over. We assumed parents would control their kids (I know, I naivete is off the chart!) and we assumed the adults would put two and two together when they saw how many had yet to eat and how much food was on the serving table.
I'm honestly not really too concerned by it all. I find it more amazingly humorous than anything else. But I also recognize that, if I weren't in Pack leadership and had this experience a time or two, I'd be looking for another Pack. It would be the responsible and polite families that we'd lose too. Then we'd be left with the louts.
The only real problem I had with the chaos of the evening was the lack of attention during the awards portion of the evening. That's my own fault as, due to the time which we understood was going to run long, we gave awards out as the tables were being called, so little attention was paid. Not a horrible thing, but it is nice for the boys to have their moment in the spotlight when they're awarded for their efforts. I'll just do awards before eating next time or save them for the next gathering.
That is, if the Committee ever decides to try another potluck!
-- Tim Taylor
Port Orchard, Wash.