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suzisk8 last won the day on February 5 2014

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About suzisk8

  • Birthday 06/15/1966

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  • Location
    Carson City, NV USA
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

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  1. LOL, my son spots the wrong patch placements on the uniforms of the kids on the popcorn bags. I forgot which bag, but he had one of the ranks in the wrong position. I say good show to that scout, he is very observant
  2. KDD, for the family section, I gave that to the boys to do with their families. They are getting older, and heck, I trusted them. I didn't use the guide. My old Pack was big on the Character Connections, and if an achievement had a connection tied to it, I correlated that to the correct month. What I did was always double dip. If there was a possibility of a belt loop being earned, I would do that achievement. I know there is one that you do a couple of sports, I think it is 15? Had the boys play kickball and softball. I found my old softball and the boys got a kick out of that. I also tied in 24 into new boys coming into the Den. There are numerous ways to combine.
  3. Not good. Our council started early. The week we received our popcorn, the Rim fire was burning and and our area received all the smoke. It delayed sales for two weeks. We hope to bounce back with a big community event next weekend.
  4. Welcome Christopher! Be sure to wear your Arrow of Light, Eagle and any other knots on your uniform. One thing that helps is training. Go to Pow Wow's, your District Roundtables. Get your BALOO when you can. Seeing the boys grow up starting out as Tigers is so awesome! My son and his other three cubmates are really great friends. They are going to be Webelos in June! I know a lot about the Tiger program, so if you have questions both you and Frugal can ask away.
  5. Today at our annual minor league baseball Scout Day, I saw some girls in their GSA uniforms. As I was walking back to our seat after the on field ceremony, I noticed a kid with really long hair (no objection to the hair issue, I mean look at Keegan (Yeti) from Are You Tougher than a Boy Scout). Then on a closer look, I was very surprised she was a girl, in a full blown Bear uniform. It totally blew my mind. Honestly, I think that boys need to stick with boys for an organization such as ours. I notice at elementary school age, the girls do not play with the boys (son is in third grade). Granted that GSA is not the GSA I was in in the 70's. It is tough for siblings, we have a couple of families where the sisters come to events and cannot earn the awards the boys do. I am very torn on this subject, and it is a tough one.
  6. Sqyire21, I find the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award is promoting outdoor activities, not just the requirement for Day/Resident camp. There are many kids who will just sit on their butts the whole summer. Depending on your council, the Day camps can run from 1 day to 5 days (wow Faith, I could barely handle 3 days last year, I couldn't imagine 5!) I feel that this is the main reason. It would be nice to make council camp an option rather than a requirement. The requirements are going to change because now with LNT gone and Outdoor Ethics coming in, BSA needs to put the parameters on earning the Outdoor Activity Award.
  7. Our Pack is really active in the summer. In June we do a "end of year" bridging ceremony at our former Cubmaster's house. In July we have a Pack camp out, and in August we travel to the San Francisco Bay Area and spend the night on the U.S.S. Hornet. We also do Day camp and hopefully this year we can get more members of our Pack to do the council family camp. All of our Dens meet at least twice a month. In addition, we also do some service projects. It brings the boys closer and they really enjoy the activities. One bummer this year, our annual scout day at the minor league baseball is next weekend instead of the summer. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.
  8. I am giving him the benefit of doubt. I got pulled in on a scam similar to this when I was looking for love. This guy said the right things, knew what to talk about. Well, when I started to date my other half, he got all weird. There were several alarms that went off, and after six months, I ended it. Now, with Mante being very busy with his studies and football schedule, I can see where he would be vulnerable. LOL, maybe this is something to add for the Cyber Chip . The guys who made the "Catfish" movie now have a series on MTV. Since I enjoyed the movie I actually started to watch the series. Boy, these days the kids really can twist things around. There was a girl posing as a guy to get back at this girl for seeing her boyfriend. There was a gay guy posing as a girl because he liked talking to guys. Many strange things on that show.
  9. I agree with Narraticong. Where can one find a team of volunteers to help with the "mundane" tasks. It is a special event and heck, they get an awesome CSP!
  10. Found out on Sunday that two of the boys were Tiger Scouts and just found out that eight of the girls were Daisy Scouts. I honestly do not know what the answer is and why this happened. Still numb.
  11. Love going on www.scoutstuff.com! My son is just a Bear, but I got him a backpack, a water bottle and a couple of posters. Plus I got this years ornament. I started doing that tradition when he first joined in Tigers.
  12. Since I have the YouTube app on my Xbox, our family was able to watch the first episode on TV and talk about it. My Bear thought it was cool and we talked about snakes and the shelter he built. Very cool concept. Thanks for the link!
  13. I have a Den meeting tonight, so I am going to go over the the Youth Protection guidelines with the parents and Bears present. I wish the media would see that because of the past BSA has done something with Youth Protection to make everyone safer in the present and future. This is so frustrating with the stupid media.
  14. Thanks Sentinel. I registered too. The blog looks really interesting.
  15. I helped out at our District Cub Day Camp and I requested to work at a station. The leather craft did not get shipped and the substitute was these gawd awful "pixie pouches" that were a bunch of lacing and not enough pounding. My first compliment was from the Day Camp director, she couldn't believe that I kept all those Webelos concentrating on the project. The second was the day after camp. I was at a food truck festival and one of the boys ran up to me and said, "Miss Susan I finished the pouch!" His dad told me thank you for making that section fun and not boring. Yea, that got me hooked and look at me now, I am on the District Membership sub-committee waiting to get nominated to be committee chair. Plus I am still going to volunteer for Day Camp next year, lol.
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