Wolf cubs must complete a conservation project for both World Conservation Award as well as for the Leave No Trace Award. Can the same conservation project count for both? We have a couple of parents who think we should only do one and count it for both. They feel that it is redundant to do two separate projects. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks!
I did centerpieces for our B&G two days ago. I cut styrofoam ball in half and hot glued flat side to a bath tile (38 cents at Lowes). I cut 4x4 inch squares from blue and bright yellow tissue paper. The center of each piece was stuck to the styrofoam with straight pins. Cover the half ball this way (took about 20 pieces per centerpiece). For half of the centerpieces I attached three blue and yellow cub scout logo ballons (from scout shop). For the other half of the centerpieces I used gold chenille stems (available at most craft stores) to shape a 7 and 5. I stuck these into the middle of the styrofoam. I alternated the balloon and 75 centerpieces among the tables. Total cost was around 85 cents per centerpiece. With instructions the cubs can handle alot of the preparation. Good luck!
I am looking for a skit that meets requirements of 75th anniverary award (topic is 75 years of scouting or scout values) . We have a large den (10 cubs) so it needs to be something simple, but still allow each boys to participate. Any ideas?