I appreciate all of your feedback.
The incident happend in late January and was not on scout property. It was not found out until late April. The SM was informed, and he discussed this with one of his program staff (the former SM) as well as the committee chair. We did not proceed with discussions with the parents, however two involved families were aware of the circumstances and felt it was handled appropriately and discretely.
The incident was confirmed, the boys were spoken to and carded - our troop's discipline policy.
My concern was regarding if the handling was firm enough. I don't think these individuals will repeat the situation. But in reality a similar problem may occur someday.
I wanted to make sure that we pursued the situation according to any BSA guidelines that might pertain to this.
I'm sure that these types of activities have happened with other troops and was looking for some guidelines.
I appreciate the information about bringing in some presentations to the program.
Thank you to all for the help.