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Everything posted by Super_Sleuth

  1. So I have read the article and is finding myself bewildered. I will say that it dissapoints me that we have to restrict scouts who don't fit the quota. I looked at my recomended weight and I found myself close to being "over weight" by Mr.Mazzuca's standards. I have compared myself before in school and I have BIGGER calves than the track stars. I'm in more afterschool activites than most normal kids. I play on the varsity tennis team. I practice for the spring play from 7-10 on most nights, sometimes later. I have only 2 hours a day to keep up with my honors and ap classes. I do scouting in my free time. Is this how I am rewarded for my hard work? Not being able to participate? I do so many activites that one would think that I can't possibly make it to scouting but I can. My question is why turn off so many kids that would gladly join/participate in scouts? Oh by the way, even if we burnt all our fat to muscle we would end up being hevier because muscle is denser than fat.
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