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Billy_F_EagleScout's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Eagle Honor - Nice rings. The bold, in-your-face eagle is a great design. Surely that will grab some attention. The tree bark finish is very nice as well. However, the thing that I wanted most on the side of my ring was an Arrow of Light! You say you offer this choice; it would be so great to see some more images on your site! I was too poor to get a class ring, and the only ring I have is my All-State Football ring (which they gave me for free). I rarely wear it because... I guess I have grown up. But even though I am 26, I would love to get an Eagle Scout ring as it is a very great honor each of us should be proud of. It really is a life-achievement. Also, I tried to call and leave my info but was quickly cut off by your message system. I'll try again some other time.
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