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Wood Badge Elitism and Arrogance
SueM replied to Newbie Den Leader's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Spongebob, Congrats on finishing your first weekend.. It sounds like you have really jumped into things head first without looking back! It's not BEARy often we see a Cub scouter jump into things so early on..this is GREAT! I know you will do great things for your pack..they don't know how lucky they are!! sue -
Wood Badge Elitism and Arrogance
SueM replied to Newbie Den Leader's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
This sounds unusual to me..our course is charging $190 for participants..the price includes all their meals, including "rations" for the second weekend which they can embellish if they choose, all their course materials, name tags, cap and course t-shirt, pictures and awards, including beads and neckerchiefs and certificates when they are done. Troop Guides give participants gifts..not expected the other way around and we (TG's) also are responsible for the table decorations, etc. if we want them. Each patrol is alloted up to $15 for projects which will be reimbursed if they keep receipts and turn them in. -
Aardvark, We (the Beaver patrol) were the program patrol between weekends so we had "custody" of the program patrol logs. We decided it would be really funny if we made mini versions of them using just regular thread and 2 "logs" made from a skewer pieces. I was the patrol leader so the first morning back on the second weekend, when we were to return the program patrol symbols..we hid the real ones and when I walked up to the SPL to give the symbol back, I carefully handed him the mini version and said " Well..you know if you let Beaver's alone with a log for 3 weeks...they're going to get HUNGRY!" and everyone cracked up about it!
I'm a Scouter - will my house every been clean?
SueM replied to gwd-scouter's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Hee hee..orennoah beat me to it! No! First, there is my "traveling library" that basically stays in the back of my van with all my current manuals, some personal MB books and other necessary item. Then I have my carry bag, which has all the paper work..tour permits, advancement forms, totin' chips, etc. The only time I take it out now is if I know that I need to use the cargo space in the van! Then..let's hit the dining room..that's my "bad" area! Over in one corner, there's my Beaver Collection..ever growing (I think there may be some hanky-panky going on there..they keep increasing in numbers!) my carry bag with all the manuals for teaching NLE/BST/IOLS and TCC. There are also other odds and ends too. Next to that is my grandmothers' antique sideboard...just enough room under that for the big First Aid kit that we put together for the Emergency Preparedness MB..but I've included lots of things in it that I like to have available at campouts that normal First aid kits don't have..like benedryl for insect bites, mosquito coils for evenings..etc. On top of that..more Beavers..pictures, etc. Then, on my dining room table, I keep my laptop and work from it mainly..I also currently have my Wood Badge staff syllubus and at least one flip chart that I'm working on. There's a stack of CD's that one of my ASM's just dropped off with pictures from Summer camp. I'm also managing a horse show next weekend, so all my stuff for that is also on the table, including 3 boxes of individually packaged chips!! (luckily..it's a BIG table!) I've also got my USB hub, my handheld GPS unit, the camera card reader and lots of other papers. Behind me then on the one side is my laptop case, my carry case with all my other flip charts in it for WB and in the other corner behind me there is a stack of old paperwork, various programs that I've used recently and one wrought iron decorative shelf that I bought at a Longaberger party several years ago and have never put up!! Now..one of the other options that HAS recently helped out here was that my son is working on Family Life..so for his family project he decided to clean the garage! The 7 of us worked all day several weeks ago but we can now get IN the garage!! Sue m. -
I have to add another recommendation for the Troopmaster program! It is wonderful for helping you keep track of things as long as someone in the troop is dedicated to keeping records up to date. At every CoH now we do a print out for every scout to give to them...tells them what MB's they've earned, what Partials they still have to do (along with what requirements are missing!), what requirements they need to advance in rank, etc.. it helps parents see where their boys are and what they are or aren't doing! sue m
ahh..Eamonn has hit on the dilemma..my mentor has instilled in me that one of our main jobs to do is (basically) pick out, train and groom our own replacement! Unfortunately, he groomed me for his position (CC) and I had to take over as SM instead because no one else would do it! Now he's been ready to step down as CC..but I can't take over for him because there's no way I have anyone ready to take over as SM who I feel can continue to build on the foundation I'm trying to make...Besides..I have grown to like this position too..it's a lot of frustration for sure, but it's also very rewarding. Though I did enjoy the committee work immensely..I'm not sure I could go back to doing "just" it! sue m.
New Troop Committee starts tonight
SueM replied to gwd-scouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I hear ya sista...I've gotten to expect that around every turn is yet another obstacle that we need to deal with! I hope that your new committee gets off to a new start! Get them trained ASAP before they get too entrenched in preconceptions of their jobs! sue m. -
Packwife, Tough call!! Did any of the adult leaders give your son a chance to explain his side of things? Did any of the other scouts see or hear what the older scouts were doing to your son, who could maybe back up his story? Perhaps you could meet privately with the SM & ASM and discuss your understanding of the situation and ask them if they might gather some more information from the other scouts before making a judgement on your son? Sue m.
Fuzzy Bear...if you can figure that out, I'd bet you could make a bundle sell the formula!..I'd buy it, that's for sure! It would save me a heck of a lot of aggrevation and frustration as I try to help the boys understand it! sue m.
E, My thoughts and prayers are with you all.. Sue M
Wood Badge Course Details. -Please Post Here.
SueM replied to Eamonn's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
SR-741 Colonial Virginia Council When - Weekend #1 - Sept 8-10 Where - FFA Camp, Smithfield, VA Weekend#2 - Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Bayport Scout Reservation (the new council camp) Cost: $190.00 More Info: www.cvcboyscouts.org/woodbadge.htm or contact me privately. -
...'tis the Wood Badge season it seams so I'm bumping this up just incase anyone in the Hampton Roads area is interested in finding a course. We still have openings and scholarship money is available.
If you are really wanting an older heavy red wool...Ebay is the place to go! Got mine for about $30 as opposed to the $150+ for the new ones! True that you sometimes do have to play around a while in order to win the bid on one..but it's worth the time and effort. sue m.
A Round of the Gilwell Song....
SueM replied to schleining's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Congrats Busy...there are never enought Beavers in the world so welcome aboard!! Seems..like a good time for another round of Gilwell to Celebrate!! I used to be a Beaver and a good ole' Beaver too But now I'm finished Beavering I don't know what to do I'm growing old and feeble and I can Beaver no more So I'm going to work my ticket if I can Back to Gilwel, happy land I'm going to work my Ticket if I can. -
Lisabob, ....my SPL is the worst culpret! I had 22 boys going...21 showed up in our troop t-shirt..SPL was the only one NOT in a troop Tee..though it was at least a BSA Tee. His shirt is also always out and he gets annoyed at me when I tell him to tuck it! I'm really frustrated with things at the moment..I not only can't get past the current roadblocks..I seem to be going backwards...
...just another reminder of how my boys are leaving for Summer Camp tomorrow and I would really like them to make sure to put their Class A shirt on if they stop and get out of the car anywhere (they will travel in their Troop T & pants) and how I know that none of my adult leaders who are going (I can't go!) will make sure that happens no matter what I "request" that they do!
Just for discussion...MB's done at Summer Camp (especially these Eagle badges requiring record keeping) allow for some requirements to be done prior to the boys starting the merit badges.
Just for discussion sake..this is what the WB Staff Guide says: "Appropriateness - Although skits and stunts can have a wide range of subjects and treatments, they must always be appropriate. A good test is to hold them up against the Scout Law's friendly, courteous and kind. Any skit or stunt that doesn not meet that test has no place in a campfire program. Skits and stunts should never embarrass or demean anyone or any group of people. There are several gray areas that are best simply to avoid: Underwear, toilet paper, water, inside jokes, Use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco, cross-gender impersonations." It sounds more like these are "suggested guideline" rather than outright prohibitions.
In our council, we basically have no MB Counselors (as we were told this by our DC) so we're on our own. Our troop did "BOR's" for every MB..but before you jump all over me, let me say that this this was just the name we used..we have since changed them to MB Summary. Since there ARE no real MB counselors in our council, it is more or less just a chance for the boys to sit down and discuss what they learned from the MB with adults. We have never "failed" any boy on them but it does give us a chance to review whether or not all the requirements have been done. The troop has also not used blue cards (except if they were required for something like summer camp or MB-U for many years. That said..I have just started teaching the Family Life MB with my troop and I am trying very hard to instill in them a high standards of effort before I will sign off on their badge.
I envy you all who can not only have -1- but multiple courses..we have -tried- to put together a NYLT course together for the past 2 years and have had to cancel due to lack of interest. It's very sad.. Sue M.
We didn't have a patrol "yell" per se...we clapped our hands everytime someone said "Beavers"..we were SO in tune to it though that by lunch on our 2nd day, our SPL was saying "that patrol who's name starts with a "B" because he was afraid to say Beaver again!! We had a patrol motto though.."with the smack of a tail" Sue M.
We use the word "retire"...though I do admit that I have slipped and said "burned" on occasion...I'm sad to say that our formal Flag Day ceremony was a washout this year due to the 6+" of rain that we got that day. However, the boys camped the weekend before and retired many boxes of flags at that time. It just so happened that I had sent out an email to all the SM's in the council to alert them to the fact that we were collecting flags and when I went to the Council office then that weekend for our WB staff development day, our council TC said to me..."Did I read your email correctly?...that you're collecting flags for retirement??" and I said "...Yes..." and he said "Follow me!!" He took me into the back room where there was a whole corner full of flags that people had just dropped off at the council office and they didn't know what to do with. I went home that day with literally a whole VAN full of flags of all sizes!!
Yes..I was thinking the same thing about needing separate troops for different ducks..because you know those Mallards are a wild bunch who just might need better trained leaders! Those Wood Ducks OTOH might be good Wilderness Survival MB Counselors. You know about Donald though...he DOES have that filthy rich Uncle who just might buy him his own troop. And where did he get all that money??? Perhaps skimming the profits off of Donald & the boys' Tails End Duck Corn sales??
troop committee challenge question
SueM replied to Lisabob's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Your local trading post should have the kit for the TCC, which includes a puzzle game that I think is very helpful in teaching what each position should do. You can also get copies of the Troop Committee Guidelines to use with the course...it's nice to give a copy out to the particants too. It is incredibly hard to get across to committee members just how much it helps not only the Scoutmaster but the troop as a whole when these committee roles are filled with TRAINED members who know what their job is and how to do it properly! To many of them figure "Oh well..it's -just- a committee and all i need to do is go to the meetings!!" We ran one just yesterday to give possible Wood Badge participants a chance to get trained for their position..had committments from at least 6 people..only 2 showed up!!! It's very sad..... BTW..unlike other training subjects, BSA has -nothing- out on CD-ROM or DVD for the TCC...Our trainer has made a Power Point slide presentation but he hasn't saved it to DVD yet. I am hoping that perhaps in the future that we can get the Troop Committee Guidebook scanned into a PDF file so at least when it's time to make handouts, it's not a trip to Office Max or something!! Sue M. -
Eagle Foot, That's just sad! Do you think that maybe they did this deliberately as a protest to the new policy? It's just a thought.. Sue M.