Hi..I'm new here but looking forward to learning more from everyone. I am a 20 yr Navy Spouse...a mother of 5 and after spending 3+ years as the Troop Secretary in my oldest sons' troop, I became the Scoutmaster last fall..the first female Scoutmaster in our District! Our former Scoutmaster had announced that he intended to step down well over a year before this and we talked him into staying on while we searched for someone to take over. I started at that point doing everything that I could to help him in anyway that I could with admin and whatever else needed to be done. However, after 18 months of searching and no -willing- candidates found, either from within the troop or on the outside, I decided that since I was doing much of the work anyway, I might as well be doing it OFFICALLY and took over! I did face some opposition from a few boys who dropped out, and there are still a few passive/agressive parents who don't think I should be in the role, but for most part, all the other adults, our Chartered Org. & the district have been very supportive. I had alredy done BSLT and was trained and went through Wood Badge last fall.
What I inherited though was basically an Adult led troop! I am working towards changing that, but since all the boys who were in the troop had never experienced anything else, it's been a hard struggle. I gained a full new scout patrol in March and slso an enthusiastic trained adult leader with them, who has been a tremendous help! He has taken on the patrol and is doing a great job of developing and guiding them. I've decided that that we will rebuild from the ground up with the new boys, instead of trying to remould the older ones. It's kind of neat though to see the older boys starting to try to imitate what they see happening in the new scout patrol.
Anyway...I am not sure that I am the BEST possible Scoutmaster that this troop has had...or could have...but I was the only one WILLING to do it and I am giving it my best shot. It has been a tremendous personal challenge for me to do this all, especially when I get parents who deliberately circumvent me and go to the adult MALE leaders when they have questions or problems! When I start to have my doubts about things, I try to remind myself that I am not there doing this for myself or my own ego...I'm doing this for the BOYS!
I have also ventured into doing Adult training this year and have enjoyed doing that more than I thought I would...I have a difficult time being center stage, so it was very scary at first. I'm looking forward to continuing on this path in the future too.
Sorry this is so long...
"I used to be a Beaver"