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Everything posted by SueM

  1. Congrats Jerry!! Why so long a wait for the beading ceremony?...though I too considered waiting for out District Awards dinner at the end of January too! sue
  2. John, Our Troop Guide helped us with advice in formulating the ticket items but they had to be approved by either the SPL or the CD. Then we were assigned a Ticket Counselor who kept tabs on us from then on to see where we were in the process and to provide encouragement, etc. Our course varied in style from the one before, so there may be some latitude for the CD on how they want to handle things. sue m.
  3. Congratulations...and now the fun begins!! Yes..that was the worst part! Our SPL was SO tough with what he approved as ticket item and how he wanted everything set up and spelled out..which is not -bad- mind you but it took forever to know whether or not we needed to change anything at the 11th hour. We were beginning to feel like he was deliberately keeping ours until last just to see how hard he could push us. Everyone else had gotten word that their tickets were approved before like 6:00 pm on the last evening..if I remember, we didn't get our final notice of approval until around lunchtime the next day (the final day). Our Troop Guide finally took all of our tickets to the CD/SM to have him approve them because the SPL kept putting her off!
  4. Hunt, I apologize too...It wasn't meant to be directed at you. I was tired still after the weekend and possibly did overreacted to the comment. I think though that the general statement also needed to be shared because I have seen quite a few very sharp and critical comments made by various posters, to quite a few people and I do think that it's somewhat unfair to those who are trying to do their best within their own troop situations to maybe then feel like they're not doing a good enough job if they don't have the "ideal" troop. With my boys...sometimes it's one step forward and 3 steps backwards..and their lack of caring how they wear their uniforms has been one of those places where I've been trying to make progress. I apologize again.
  5. I mean this as a general comment as I'm not an argumentative person, but sometimes I do get really irritated with instant judgements that happen here, when people have no idea of what the dynamics of each individual troop are! What works for some troops does not work for others and some of us also "inherit" situations that take time to change and we are doing the best that we can with what we have to work with!! It doesn't help us sometimes, being constantly reminded of what we're doing "wrong", or having someone who doesn't know us jumping on a misspoken (or badly chosen) word!! Troops, like people, are in a constant state of evolution and I think that we all need to remember that! I have yet to see that "perfect" troop that they show you on the training videos!! I enjoy this forum very much and like the exchange of ideas but sometimes it does get a little discouraging at times. Most of us are already well aware of where improvements are needed in our individual troop and are working towards them as best as we can. I don't expect overnight miracles!! I'll get down off of my soapbox now!! sue m.
  6. We just did a program on cold weather camping at our district Roundtable last week..one of the things that they suggested was some of those chemical hand warmers...said that you could put them in the bottom of your sleeping bag to keep your feet warm. I am always terribly cold..it was in the mid to low 40's for the nightime over the weekend an I have a 0 degree rated mummy bag, with 2 other blankets...several layers of silk, thermal and fleece on and STILL froze!! Enjoy your first weekend and don't forget to check back in and let us know which critter has "captured" you! You will have a great time! Sue M. I used to be a Beaver
  7. acco40 I just spent the whole weekend at our local combined District Fall Camporee and all I did all weekend was yell "tuck those shirts in!!" "Pull those pants up!" until I was blue in the face!! sue m
  8. John, Thanks! I am excited to have it done..and I'd also like to note that once again...the Beavers...always the first and the best in everything..MY Beaver patrol is the first FULL patrol in my course to all have completed their tickets!! It has been a wonderful experience and I am SO happy that I was able to do Wood Badge! sue
  9. My most embarassing moment so far in Scouting had to be on the last day of Wood Badge. I was wired and couldn't sleep well, so I got up very early..around 5:00 a.m. and very dark. I decided to be nice and to make the coffee so it was ready when the guys woke up. I got everything ready and perked the coffee and had some..it was a bit strong, but hey..it's camp coffee!! As the morning progressed, I was doing odds and ends and one of my patrol mates came walking up to me very seriously and he was holding the coffee perk filter and he said "Uh...Sue...did you make the coffee this morning??" ..."yes...why??" "Did you notice that it was a 'little' strong??"..."Yes..I figured I just had the proportions wrong!" "Uh...where did you get the coffee?" ..."Well..it was in the corner pocket of your dining fly...why?"...and then he slowly showed me the contents of the filter cup...in the bottom of it was this thick, black GLUE and he just said "Uh...Sue...You perked INSTANT coffee!! I always wondered what would happen if someone perked instant coffee and no I can honestly say that I know what perked instant coffee looks and tastes like.!!" Then he cracked up and teased me mercilessly the rest of the day!
  10. Oh Geez guys...are we going to have to start the song all over again because WB'ers forgot the order???? Sue M.(who completed her ticket this week!!) I used to be a BEAVER and a good old BEAVER too But now that I'm done BEAVERING, I don't know what to do I'm growing old and feeble and I can BEAVER no more So I'm going to work my ticket if I can Back to Gilwell, Happy Land! I'm going to work my ticket if I can
  11. emb021, I'm trying now to remember all the ones who fall under the Distinctive Dress policy....my Wood Badge patrol project was on the history of Uniforms in Scouting and I can't for the life of me find the files now that I had saved in doing the research for it..what I'm think I remember though are not only Venturing and Sea Scouts, but Varsity and especially the Learning for Life programs. Since the later is more career oriented, it allows them to adopt something suitable for their own branch. sue m.
  12. IMO...this is inexcusable! I would not only contact your council but I would also talk to your COR about the Scoutmaster's refusal to award the palms! If necessary then the 3 of you can sit down and clarify the reasons or excuses! As a Scoutmaster, I also find it inexcusable that he gave no help to your son with his Eagle paperwork too!....and I don't know about your council, but when we send an Eagle application off to be approved, it comes back with the full set of badges & pins..which are generally provided (paid for) by some local group. sue m.
  13. anachist is right on..it's not an overnight "miracles"..in my troop, I herd "chickens" though rather than cats...they're much flightier and prone to scatter quickly! Yesterday was my 1 yr anniversary of taking over as the SM and some of my boys are just -starting- to get the concept of what a BLT is! When I took over, I told them that it was my "goal" for THEM, that within 1 yrs time, to give them the skills that they needed be able to plan and totally execute a major troop event with as little adult help as possible! WE haven't quite reached that goal, but it is coming and that is good enough for me! I am satisfied if I go to a meeting and see -1- positive step in the right direction each week (even if I also sometimes see 3 steps backwards too!) I've recently seen a BIG change in some of the boys so I am ever hopeful!! sue m
  14. I agree with Mike..you want your new troop to get off on the best foot possible and it doesn't sound like the other man is the right choice for that and that IMO your best chance for that happening is for you to lead the troop through formation. Look through your Pack Leadership and see who is the best choice to take over as CC! Your CO has to approve of the SM and I assume that you have the CC and at least 2 committee members for the troop...perhaps you all should get together and discuss the options more. JMO again but an adult leader SM candidate who shows no interest in being trained is not in the troops best interest..especially a new troop!
  15. >Sales of uniforms do bring in a lot of money and ????without wanting to start a fire!! - I really do not see the BSA wanting to lose that income Eamonn, Exactly!! This was my first immediate thought when I first heard the rumor...NO WAY that BSA is going to give up all the money for Uniform sales! Wearing uniforms is an issue with many other groups these days too...even Church choirs are having issues with members who don't want to wear robes, etc. anymore! We are somewhat liberal with our uniform policy as far as -meetings- go..as long as the pants are close to official olive color as possible they are acceptable. I know that many might not agree with this though..We recognize that uniforms ARE expensive items to replace. However we DO expect every boy to have official pants too and they are to be worn at all other occasions and functions. We have a uniform closet to recycle uniforms when they get outgrown, or to provide them to boys who might not be able to afford them. We have several adults who do yard sales and garage sales and sometimes pick these items up cheaply there too. sue m.
  16. OGE, I have heard this rumor from several different people in our district & council..whether it's just that (rumor) or "you didn't hear it from me but..." truth I don't know. Certainly, people (including myself) have been talking and are upset about it and not in agreement with it. Many old timers have said they will quit if it comes to be! I think that it may be a response to asking boys what keeps them from joining scouts (they don't want to wear the uniform anymore) but who knows...I'm only reporting what I have heard...Our Troop had elected to go without neckerchiefs or ties of any kind years ago and we HAVE had boys specifically join the unit because we didn't require them! (sad..but true!) I'm not sure how they could just do away with them, especially with the uniform being one of the 8 aims and methods of scouting but who knows... sue m.
  17. Let me preface this by saying that I think that they uniform is an important part of Scouting and I do "highly encourage" wearing an Official Uniform at all special functions. That being said..for discussion purposes...if we start talking about BSA uniform policy...BSA also states that a boy does NOT have to wear a uniform to be a good scout. We can not FORCE them to wear one either. We are continually being told from the district & council level that the uniform will be gone in 5 years! Some of the other parts of Scouting have a "distinctive dress" policy which allows the members to choose their own style of uniform (or lack there of). Boys also now have the option now of attending an Eagle BoR in a suit and tie if they wish..which while I don't like it, it's certainly better than them showing up in blue jeans!! My own boys continually complain about having to wear them and I ask them if they participate in sports (Yes) and if they are expected to wear a uniform as part of the team in that sport (yes again) and point out to them that this is -no different-...they are part of a team and I expect them to dress as such! Eagle CoH's are not a necessity..there is no rule that the boys HAVE to have them and when they do, there are no formal rules as to how they have to be..it is up to the family's wishes and discretion. We have actually had simple "surprise" presentations for boys who did not want big formal ones...with the family's permission and help..we just felt it was a shame to not have SOME form of recognition. Again I do want to see the boys in uniform, but I'm not sure that it they really wanted to do their Eagle CoH in an informal way, that that would be a big issue either.
  18. I'd like to congratulate you for your patient insight where this young man is concerned! Sometimes we adults...as well as the boys...fail to recognize the various styles that leadership takes along the way. Young people especially I think only see leadership as someone yelling out orders..the "Big Boss" way..continue to encourage him!!
  19. What about just simply awarding him the rank at the end of a regular meeting..just make the announcement and give it to him with a congratulation. Don't make a big fuss about it or ask him to come in front of the other boys...it gives him some recognition without making it too uncomfortable if he's shy. Then at the court of honor just make a quiet mention of it.
  20. I have never been under the impression that they had to plan a specific project individually..but we have had many Eagle projects lately so most of the boys put their time into those..but we also do other things too..like volunteer to make and serve a meal at the local Salvation Army Soup kitchen..We have an annual holiday party at a local nursing and the boys go and buy personal care items, etc. and put together gift packages for the residents, as well as provide refreshments and entertainment for the evening..every Flag Day, we host the Official Flag Retirement Ceremony for the City. There are lots of opportunities out there to do Community service..adopt a road..helping at food drives..HOLDING a food drive, etc.
  21. The Uniform policy states that Scouts should not wear their uniforms while participating in money raising activities, even for the troop, other than selling popcorn and I would especially be careful if the adults are selling alcohol in something that identifies them as Scouts. This could look as an endorsement from the BSA to sell alcohol! If you are doing this for the Fair and they are paying you a stipend then I think it is more appropriate for you to wear their uniform. We do something similar every year as a troop adult activity..that is help serve a a local groups' major fundraiser. They serve between 2500-3000 all you can eat dinners so need lots of help from many groups.. They pay us a stipend for helping but also provide free beer to everyone so we don't want to be seen partaking while in something that identifies us with a troop. We do it not only for the stipend to the troop..but it's a great opportunity for the adults to all get together and do something fun and not have to worry if we have a beer together for a change!! sue m.
  22. What about a compromise? What if he'd wear his Official uniform for the ceremony and then change into the kilt for the reception if one is planned???
  23. Don't worry and have a great time!! Usually your biggest challenge is deciding on a patrol project and getting your totem approved (at least at our course it was!) Get to know your patrol mates...have lots of scout spirit and you'll do fine. Let us all know what patrol you end up in!! Sue M. I used to be a Beaver..
  24. It's been a long standing tradition in my troop to do BoR's for MB's too..not just for rank! We realize that this is not necessary but it gives us a chance to get a feel for what the scout has or hasn't learned and also to review to see if he has completed all the requirements, especially for summer camp where some of the badges have prerequisites and sometimes don't do those before camp and forget about them afterwards. It also serves as a way to get him used to the BoR process.
  25. anarchist, Well...that was just meant as a collective "THEY" and as a general statement that historically, all cooked/roasted/baked food was pretty much cooked over open fires of some kind!! sue M. >Slightly off topic-a history lesson >SueM >not to nit pick but "THEY" didn't cook the first >Thanksgiving dinner...some of my ancestors >provided "carry out"...:>) >anarchist admin | IP: Logged
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