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  1. Thanks everyone for your reply, but the troop committee has decided this wouldn't work. My son has now planned a blood drive but there are controversies over that (please read my recent post on that).
  2. Is collecting gift cards for the victims of Hurricane Katrina a good eagle project? Food drives are hard to do since it's almost impossible to find trucks that are going down anymore. My son would have a sponsor and a place to send the gift cards. He would speak to community groups and ask for donations (of cash and/or gift cards) and ask the KofC to sponsor a pancake breakfast and donate the proceeds. Does this project show leadership? If not, can you suggest ideas for showing leadership? On a side note - his troop only reviews eagle projects once a month so if a boy needs to tweak his project, then you have to wait another month to present it. My son has been trying to get an eagle project approved for almost 5 months now and each time they either don't like the project or say it doesn't show eadership. He's frustrated as am I. His troops easily approves projects that "build" things but he has no desire to build anything. They want projects that leave a "legacy".
  3. Is organ donation a good eagle project? My son wanted to work with our state organization that "spreads the word" about the value of organ donation. He would set up tables at fairs, the driver's license facility and hand out brochures promoting organ donation, etc. He would then raise money to plant a "memory tree" in honor of those who donated their organs. We don't have a personal story to tell so we don't have the "sympathy factor" working in our favor - this is just a project that he wants to do (he earned the organ donor awareness patch as a cubscout). Is this project viable as is or can you recommend something else to add to this?. Most importantly, does this project show leadership (his troop's committee chairman didn't think so).
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