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  1. I believe as long as you're not alone with a scout that is not your child, you'll be within the intent of youth protection in that scenario.
  2. She's out of luck on any shooting loop/pin. Let her go to Council. It is possible to earn Aquanaut without passing the BSA Swim test. It is in the complete three of these five group. In our Council we have unit swim classification record. This allows the test to be conducted by any certified life guard, and the form is accepted by our camps. http://www.denverboyscouts.org/openrosters/docdownload.aspx?ID=25499
  3. When planning for a weeklong trip, there should be an overnight shakedown beforehand. At that time the scouts should discuss and resolve this issue themselves. Load sharing is a great idea, they should consider it.
  4. I've seen PWD stuff at both Michael's and Hobby Lobby.
  5. Well, being a den leader my group is small. But I set up a shutterfly share site. It allows us to share all the photos we take with each other. (this was the initial reason I wanted the site) I can set up my den roster with all the parent contact info. It has a calender on which I can set events. I can set up events to automatically send a reminder e-mail to all the parents on the roster. If I make a change to an event on the calender it asks if I would like to send a change notice e-mail. I can set up additional members that do not automatically get reminders, but can be added to e-mails. I can post documents for the parents, like PDF files of forms or PWD rules. On the front page I have a feed from the council website of upcoming council activites. Only members can access the site. I can set up multiple "owners" who can modify the site. Minuses based on my needs: I can't attach documents to e-mails. It's another calender to maintain. No advancement tracking.
  6. Well, you could always say: If you feel that there is a better way to do things please fill out this form and return it to the Scout Master: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-501.pdf Okay, this is slightly tounge in cheek.
  7. Colorado is doing a limited run of Scout plates. http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/Revenue-MV/RMV/1201542141645#boyscouts
  8. "Polar bear isn't a BSA or council program" Some councils do have an official program. http://www.denverboyscouts.org/openrosters/docdownload.aspx?ID=71952
  9. "To circle back to this thread ... does this perhaps this show another reason to avoid College age ASM's ... they can't be expected to take the correct action, regardless of the fallout?" No more than it shows a reason to avoid older men who: are football coaches husbands have adopted children sheltered foster kids started a charitable organization Why would you take the PSU situation as an inditement of college kids and not an inditement of the later?
  10. Old_OX_Eagle83 You state "Take a look, by no means are lodges required to permit parents to attend their child's induction ceremony." While I would like for non-members to stay home; I will simply point to the Youth Protection Guidelines. Which clearly states ALL aspects. "No secret organizations are allowed. The Boy Scouts of America does not allow any secret organizations as part of its program. All aspects of the Scouting program are open to observation by parents and leaders." http://www.scouting.org/training/youthprotection.aspx
  11. Blancmage, I can answer a couple of your questions. If you're on municipal water, no need to boil unless the utility issues a warning. Municipal systems receive extensive daily testing. A home well that is tested annually and has no history of problems would comply with regulatory requirements in my neck of the woods. I would not consider its use "foolish" in any way. It is "tested" water. Groundwater generally does not have issues with biological contaminants. I would agree that normally a well pump or spigot in a campground in a campground is likely potable. They receive regular testing. I also see yahoos washing dishes (among other things) right on top of the well head. There is a reason campgrounds post signs not to do cleaning at the wellhead. I lightly treat water from campground spigots and pumps during heavy use seasons for this reason.
  12. I always carry iodine tablets. The scouts certainly had the ability to boil the water, which is treatment enough for any biological contaminant. Never drink untreated/untested water. I will say, if folks would follow the signs at campgrounds and not clean their dishes at the well head; E. Coli is atypical in ground water. The campground should post a notice.
  13. Not knowing your budget or number of people; Here are a couple of ideas. In the Frasier Valley north of Winter Park there is a YMCA facility called Snow Mountain Ranch. In Silverthorne, CO there used to be a hostel called Alpen Hutte. No idea if it's still there. We have found some decent deals on VRBO.com
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