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Everything posted by stldesign

  1. There will be WiFi and cell service
  2. Hiking shoes or boots are overkill. Something like cross training shoes or running shoes are good. No flat bottom basketball or skate shoes but something with good support. He will be doing a bunch of walking on blacktop roads and grass.
  3. Eagle92...I'm on Jambo Staff. Can I wear it only at the Jambo? I;m not part of a contingent am I?
  4. One more thing the pocket flaps go all the way across the shirt in a thin horizontal strip. OA flaps are going to look strange on this shirt.
  5. Can ventures attending wear Jamboree Region patches on right shoulder??
  6. I was on this forum at the time the new boy scout unifrom shirts came out and asked if anyone knew if there would be a venture version. Well they did come out with it and me and my wife bought ours last week. Not like the boy scout version at all. I like them but don't like the openess of the back of the shirt. This won't be good for cool weather and I'd rather not spend the money on the older version shirt. But much better for warm weather. MIKE
  7. I am an assitant director for one of the merit badge booths and its my understnding that they are trying to make the midway bigger and add more badges. (Not all badges can or should be earned at the jambo.) So if you have seen it in the past you should be happy with the midway in 2010. I don't know if they will put out a list or not. While I would love to have all the boys earn a badge at our booth keep in mind this will be the only Jambo that most boys will attend. Make sure you are not forcing them to spend time earning badges when they could do the same badge at home. Let them decide to attend the midway or not. There are so many activities at the Jambo most won't have time to see and do everything anyway. Get them out of the campsite and out into the Jambo grounds!!!!!! Have fun!!!
  8. Just wanted to bump this post up as we are still looking for staff.
  9. Just wanted to bump this post up as we are still looking for staff.
  10. Was there a trade-o-ree in St. Louis this year? Went a few years ago it was in an older brick church.
  11. Ventures wear a dark green uniform shirt. I need a few new shirts and was wanting to know if BSA is coming out with a dark green shirt in the new style. Similar to the tan with bellowed pockets. The existing green shirts are the old style around since the early 80's. Yes I have read that they may alter the new design that just came out.
  12. Will BSA come out with a new dark green venture shirt?
  13. Be a part of one of the largest merit badge staffs at the 2010 National Jamboree. Woodcarving Merit Badge. Join us at the Merit Badge Midway on July 26th August 4th 2010. We have one entire tent on the midway that is 20 x 100. We had 32 people on staff at the last Jambo and hope to have 40 in 2010. Over 1000 boys earned Woodcarvng Merit Badge at the last Jamboree. You must be a registered scouter and a woodcarver. You need not be an expert but have a good knowledge of woodcarving basics. It would be helpful if you have taught the merit badge before. For more info on registering to be on staff go to: www.bsajamboree.org/staff.html. The BSA does charge a fee to work on staff. You must provide your own transportation to the Jamboree site. Housing and food is covered in your fee. If you are interested please contact: Paul Ries (Director) at paries@comcast.net or Mike Springer (Assistant Director) at stldesign@live.com or 618-593-0295
  14. Be a part of one of the largest merit badge staffs at the 2010 National Jamboree. Woodcarving Merit Badge. Join us at the Merit Badge Midway on July 26th August 4th 2010. We have one entire tent on the midway that is 20 x 100. We had 32 people on staff at the last Jambo and hope to have 40 in 2010. Over 1000 boys earned Woodcarvng Merit Badge at the last Jamboree. You must be a registered scouter and a woodcarver. You need not be an expert but have a good knowledge of woodcarving basics. It would be helpful if you have taught the merit badge before. For more info on registering to be on staff go to: www.bsajamboree.org/staff.html. The BSA does charge a fee to work on staff. You must provide your own transportation to the Jamboree site. Housing and food is covered in your fee. If you are interested please contact: Paul Ries (Director) at paries@comcast.net or Mike Springer (Assistant Director) at stldesign@live.com or 618-593-0295
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