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    Anaheim, CA

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  1. I typed the link for White's Landing but it didn't print. Here's the link: www.catalinahighadventure.org YIS /BS Troop 824 Crew 824
  2. We've got a group doing a ten day trekfrom Red's Meadow near Mammoth in the Sierra, going south to Kearsarge Pass. Another gorup of younger hikers will trek from Tuolomne Meadows in Yosemite and backtrack the JMT to Yosemite Valley, catching Half Dome enroute. This trek is only about 35 miles and great for the younguns. Our Venturing Crew will be going to White's Landing, a BSA high adventure base on Catalina Island, about 26 miles from LA. They offer backpacking, mountain biking, sea kayaking and SCUBA. The trail guides teach about LNT along the way and deliver daily program geared to team building, leadership growth and personal development. YIS, Bill Scarberry Troop 824 Crew 824
  3. This thread really caught my interest. Although I've been to Philmont twice, neither my troop nor my crew has been, and they don't seem all too excited about going. We're in SoCal and have the Sierra just a few hours away. The terrain is just as challenging and the scenery more spectacular. (It's also a bit cheaper.) True, Philmont has some exciting activities along the treks, but we found a place last summer that fills that bill too. It's a BSA high adventure program run out of White's Landing on Santa Catalina Island off the coast of LA. They offer mountain biking, backpacking, kayaking and SCUBA. Their guides teach LNT everyday and present daily programs geared to leadership and team building development. Great program. Here's the link: www.catalinahighadventure.org YIS, Bill Scarberry Troop 824 Crew 824
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