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  1. elaboration---I have no doubt he will participate when it meets his needs--scout camp, over nites for camping merit badge, etc. I also believe he will finish all the required merit badges within the next 6-8 months. He is a very bright kid. However, the activity requirements include at least 4 months for Star, 6 for Life, and 6 more for Eagle. I am concerned that the family (and the boy) are going to scoff at my interpretation of what it means to "actively participate" in the troop after "he has done everything anyway" (except for continue to participate in the troop). I just feel that the purpose of scouting has more to do with character building and fellowship than it does with getting a rank advancement. Hopefully, we'll be able to help him want to be involved rather just check off another accomplishment.
  2. thanks for all the input--my opinions are similor to those expressed but I wanted to feel like I wasn't the only one...The main problem is that the kid doens't really want to be around the other boys--he wants his eagle for his college resume (so he says) and I'm very concerned about how to keep him active after he does check off all the of the non-activity based requirements...hopefully he'll have a change of interests... Thanks again...
  3. I am having trouble with a family that decided they want their 14 yr old kid to get back into the Scouting program and get his Eagle (he is now a 2nd Class) but aren't really interested in participating with the troop. They just want to check off all the requirements in as short a time as possible and move on...They don't seem to want to accept that the first requirement for Star, Life, and Eagle requires active participation...any ideas on what defines "active participation" or how to handle this situation???
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