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Everything posted by stevejb

  1. The Boy Scouts of America has come out with a dvd called On My Honor: Insprational Shows. It contains five short videos done to music based on five different themes. I have uploaded the first two of these to YouTube for all of you to view. The first video (I think) is meant for Scout age boys and is called "Accentuate The Postive." It can be seen at: The second video is about volunteering to be a Scout Leader. It is called, "I Volunteer". It can ve seen at: Now, for something a bit on the lighter side... I have uploaded a third video of Buttons, the radical Boy Scout (actually a puppet). This one is an outtake from the video when he recites the Scout Oath. Like a lot of Boy Scouts, Buttons starts reciting the Scout Law by mistake. This video can be seen at: I am glad that the videos I have uploaded are being watched. It makes it feel like the time to convert these videos was worthwhile. The first Scouting video that I uploaded, "The Scout Zone", now has over 3800 views, and gaining more every day. Keep watching them and spreading the word about them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org/blog.html
  2. There are going to be many people asked to become a Scout leader this month, and many reasons given for not wanting to become a Scouter. Check out this blog for ten reasons to be an adult leader in Scouting. http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  3. He has returned! Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, has made a second video. In this one he recites the Scout Oath. It can be seen in the following YouTube playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9322CC94E21A00E2 along with other fun Scout videos I have posted. I would love to hear from you if you enjoy them. And don't forget to vote and leave a comment on YouTube after you watch it. Wouldn't it be great if a Boy Scout related video was listed as a day's favorite on YouTube? Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org
  4. I have posted the last Boy Scouts of America commercials I have (for now) to the YouTube account. This one is based on the Scout Law point of Reverent. It can be seen with the other BSA promos I have uploaded at the following site: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=C71DC26FD66AB6A0 Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org
  5. I have been scoutmaster for nearly 25 years now. I became scoutmaster when I was 21 years old. I did not know that there is a life after Scouting or I would have quit a long time ago. I was thinking about working with the Historical Society if I ever got rid of the scoutmaster position. :-) Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://www.melrosetroop68.org/blog.html
  6. Okay folks, I have left the BSA promos for a moment to try something new. Buttons is a skinny, furry, puppet-thing that likes Boy Scouts and agreed to recite the Scout Law for me to put on YouTube. Check it out and let me know what you thing about it. If enough people like it I will make more videos of him. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  7. Some of you seem to enjoy them, so I will continue to post them as long as I have some to post. The latest Boy Scout promo I have uploaded to YouTube is about the Scout Law point Thrifty. It can be seen at Or check out our troop's website to see the 320x240 Quicktime movie of this and other Scouting commercials at http://melrosetroop68.org/AboutT68.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org
  8. Over the years the troop has bought too many Quality Unit patches, so I thought it was time to clean out the closet and put them on eBay. If any of you are looking to fill in some holes in your collection this might be the time to check this out. You can see the auctions at: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZgnidregrobQQhtZ-1 The money collected (less auction expenses and postage) will go back into the troop treasury. Good luck. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  9. I have uploaded the second of the new commercials from the BSA to my You Tube account. This one has the Scout Law point of Obedient as it's theme. You can see it on youtube.com at: or go to our troop's website at: www.melrosetroop68.org It can be found under the "About Us" section. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org/blog
  10. The BSA has come out with a few more 30 seconds promos. I have uploaded the first of these onto YouTube for everyone to see. You can see it at: There are three other new promos that deal with points of the Scout Law. I hope to get them up soon also. You can view all the Scouting related videos I have online at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=stevejb68 Enjoy. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  11. I have uploaded the video that members of Melrose Troop 68 made about the 2001 National Jamboree to YouTube.com. Due to the 10 minute limit on YouTube it is in two parts. Part #1 - Part #2 - Watch them and then vote for them or leave a comment. The whole video (in one piece) can also be seen on the http://cmcjamboree.org site under the 2001 Jamboree area. The video on the council's jamboree site is clearer and smoother then the one on youtube. It is in Quicktime movie format. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  12. I just got back from summer camp yesterday. I had the camcorder along and taped the Many Point Scout Camp Buckskin staff singing the Many Point Ballad. If you would like to see it you can at: Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  13. Hi Gang, I have posted videos online that might bring back some memories for those of you that have been with Scouting for awhile, and maybe a chuckle to you newer Scouts and leaders. Uniforms and clothing styles sure have changed. They are: 1980 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_RU3VAu-6I 1981 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWBz_-XM8N8 1982 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhMT548kvic Spread the word about them to any other troop members you are in contact with. Let's make Scouting videos popular on youtube.com. Steve B Troop 68, CMC
  14. Yep, I am still at it... I have uploaded three more short videos of skits done by the Boy Scouts of my troop. These videos are taken from one of the first "Laughs For Lunch Show" done by our troop for the local community. This particular show was done in 1996. My goal of putting these videos online is not only to entertain veiwers, but to also show other troops, leaders, and Scouts that doing skits and songs can be fun. This posts skits are: The Motorcycle Gang - The Echo System - The Emergency Broadcast System - I have started a youtube group in which most of the Scouting videos I have uploaded can be found. This group can be accessed at: http://www.youtube.com/group/BoyScout I also have a blog which tells about various experiences I have had during 26 years of Scouting. Some of the posts talk about the campfires my troop has been a part of. The blog can be found at: http://www.melrosetroop68.org/blog.html I hope you enjoy the videos. Don't forget to leave a comment and/or rate them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  15. I have recently posted a video about our troop's 1989 trek at Philmont Scout Ranch on youtube.com. This video was shown on our local cable television station. Due to youtube's 10 minute limit on films I had to break it down to two parts. If you are interested in seeing them you can go to: Part #1 - Part #2 - Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  16. Okay gang, I am still at it. I have uploaded another video of a skit that your boys could do during a campfire program. This one is about two guys riding a train, one with a baby. The guy without the baby does not think the baby is very good looking. You can see the video at: This is the fourth video of skits that the boys in my troop have done. The other ones (for those of you keeping track) are: Star Trekking - Radio Airwaves - Furniture Store - I have received nice comments from some people who have viewed the skits. I am glad you are enjoying them. I hope to find more videos to post in the upcoming weeks. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  17. Those are great pictures BrentAllen. It looks like Troop 434 had fun.
  18. Hello gang, As some of you know, I have been uploading various videos to youtube.com about Scouting. I have several commercials and BSA promos in my account. I know Scouts and leaders are also looking for skits and songs for campfire programs so I also want it to be a resource for campfire songs and skits, where you can actually watch the skit being done. Last night I uploaded a video featuring another skit that can be used by your scouts around the campfire. Funny Boy Scout Skit: The Furniture Store 10:48 This is a skit done by the Boy Scouts during their 2006 Laughs For Lunch Show done for the community. This skit is about a gentleman opening a new furniture store. Of course, people are chosen to be the furniture. The local district executive was picked on during this skit (he is the table). The boys had a great time doing this skit, and it is fun to watch them. Of course, the audience participation has to be good also to make it really fun. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC melrosetroop68.org
  19. www.melrosetroop68.org Our site features over 25 years of Scouting in our community. The site has hundreds of photos from troop activities, a high adventure area, some videos, and an Eagle Hall of fame. A Scoutmaster's Blog has been recently added.
  20. I just realized that I should have should have posted this two years ago... Pictures from our 2004 trek to Philmont have also been posted at the same website. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://www.melrosetroop68.org
  21. The two deep leadership came a year or two later, I believe. I remember it was not in place in 1986 yet because I was the only adult with five boys taking a trek at Philmont. When I went back to Philmont in 1989 the two-deep leadership was in place. It could be that my crew got into Philmont in 1986 just before the two deep leadership started.
  22. I was wondering how many of you (adults) involved with Scouting have a blog? I have been thinking about it for a while, and I finally took the plunge and started one of my own. I have been a scoutmaster for nearly 25 years and thought this might be an interesting way to share some of my experiences and thoughts about things. I only have 10 entries so far, but hope to get at least one more each week. If you would like to read it go to http://www.melrosetroop68.org So far, the entries I have posted deal with how I became a scout leader (would you believe I asked a scoutmaster if he needed any help?), how I became the scoutmaster, campfires, and some thoughts about the Order of the Arrow. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  23. These posts made me think about Scouting 20 years ago and the changes we have seen since then. Back then a troop only had to have one adult leader along on an outing (two deep leadership was not in place yet.) Women were not "allowed" to be scoutmasters yet, although there were some serving in the position because there were not any men to do it. The OA ceremonies were not as tame as they are now. And while there was some controvesy about some of the "rules" in Scouting, I don't think is was near as bad as it is today. (Sorry, but I strongly dislike the ACLU.) It will be interesting to see what the next 20 years will bring to Scouting. Hopefully, the BSA will stand strong for their rights as an organization. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org
  24. Oops! I put up the wrong link. Here is the correct one. Sorry about that. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68
  25. Hi gang and fellow high adventurers, I thought you might be interested to watch a little video done by our troop back in 1986 about its first trip to Philmont Scout Ranch. You can view it at: Granted, it is a bit dated, but it is fun to see how clothing styles and things have changed since then. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
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