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Everything posted by stevejb

  1. You must be joking. National almost never gives away anything for free.
  2. Have some fun and test your knowledge on Firem'n Chit by taking this online test. http://melrosetroop68.org/tests-fire-online.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, Melrose
  3. I still remember in the 70's, when I was a teen, I would hear my dad call the television "the idiot box". We kids just laughed, after all, he was dad and not hip with the way things were. Now, I understand that not only is television the "idiot box" but we can add the terms immoral and adult oriented. Like stated earlier, there are not many good family oriented shows anymore. To make matters worse, the "idiot box" now has cousins known as gaming consoles and computers. Steve B http://melrosetroop68.org
  4. I know what you mean. However, it is almost ancient history to the boys in Scouting now.
  5. Hello friends of Scouting, I was busy this weekend and uploaded another couple of videos for you to watch. This time the videos showcase Boy Scouting from the 1980's. They are videos made from pictures taken from my troop's activities in 1983 and 1984. Boys have not changed too much since then, but boy, the clothes sure have. You can see them at: 1983 (Part 1) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck1G4OxQ0_M 1983 (Part 2) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09CeSItgDh8 1984 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYZ16caESX8 Videos from 1980, 1981, and 1983 have also been posted. All the videos can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0BFDC0F897AE077B I hope you enjoy them, and maybe even get a chuckle from them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html
  6. I have uploaded a video of our spring OA conclave held last May. The conclave was held at Parker Scout Reservation in central Minnesota. The video can be seen at: I invite you to watch the 5 minute video. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  7. Hi gang, I guess this is more of a poll then anything... I was wondering how many troops do a slide show style presentation of pictures (or video) of the Eagle Scout of his years in Scouting as part of the ceremony during his Eagle court of honor. We have done it for our last several Scouts and they have been very popular. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html
  8. Hi gang, A few months ago I posted a couple films about the troop's early trips (1980's) to Philmont Scout Ranch on youtube. I had a couple requests to post the videos on a more Scout-friendly site. So this email is too inform you that the videos have now been posted to our troop's website. They can be seen at: http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html along with videos about the troop doing campfire songs and skits, and BSA promos and commercials. There is also a page of pictures for your computer wallpaper/desktops on the troop site. Check it out. YIS Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.blog
  9. I have found and uploaded another BSA commercial to my youtube.com account. This one features quarterback Scott Mitchell, who is an Eagle Scout. It can be seen at: All the Scouting commercials I have posted can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=C71DC26FD66AB6A0 If you would like a more "family friendly" site to see many of the videos you may go to: http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html'>http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  10. Unfortunately, at least in my community, I know there are boys out there that would like to join, because my Scouts tell me that there some, but their parents tell me they can not join Scouting for one reason or another. I have been finding that parents are one of the "problems" for lower attendance.
  11. With all the recruitment going on this past month I devoted my last two blog entries toward the subject of promoting Scouting. Who's job is it? The troop's, pack's, council's or national's? The blog has my opinions. What is your opinion? Read the blog at: http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC melrosetroop68.org
  12. Check this out and see if you agree, or have more suggestions. http://www.melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  13. Here is a video to bring a smile to your face, and maybe even a chuckle or two. The puppet known as Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, returns in a video talking to Scouts about being physically strong. In this video he does pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups. He finishes by showing off his "guns"! Watch it at: Is it possible to get 500 views of this video by fellow Scouts and Scouters this weekend? Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://www.melrosetroop68.org
  14. Okay all you Scouters out there, During the last few months I have left messages on various groups when I have uploaded various BSA commercials and videos to my youtube acount. ( http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=stevejb68 ) Quite a few of you have asked me how you could get copies of these videos to use within your troops, districts, and councils. My first response usually was to check with your local council. Unfortunately, it seems there are districts and councils out there that do not seem to have access to these videos, which is a shame. Why doesn't the National Office make these videos easily accessable to everyone to promote Scouting? After all, I don't see the videos used by the National Office on television or anywhere else. When people have not been able to get them from their council I have offered to send them a CD of videos (320x240 in size) in exchange for their council strip patch. I don't feel like I can in good concience take money for the videos because they are not mine. An exchange of a patch for a CD I have no problem with, and neither has anyone else. Lately, I have had people ask about getting the videos on DVD. You ask, and this time you will receive! I have compiled a DVD of 16 Scouting promos, commercials, and videos. The DVD includes: Scouting commericals featuring - Trustworthy, Helpful, Obedient, Thrifty, and Reverent. Scouting commercials featuring - Baby Talk, Jim Lovell, and Steve Young Scouting shows including - The Scout Zone, What Parents Say, a promo for the 2007 world jamboree, and the five Scouting Inspirational films. I would like to offer those of you who are interested a chance to get either a CD or a DVD of these videos to use within your troops and districts. I will do the same patch exchange for the CD of the videos. The DVD's take more time to burn (DVD-R), and of course they cost more in materials. I patch would not be a very good trade on my part for this DVD. However, I don't feel I should be charging for something that I am sure the BSA owns the copyrights to. And then there are the shipping costs. The dvd's and cases will cost more to ship then a simple CD. (I will ship them in a DVD case, not a cd case.) If you wish to have one of these DVD's write me and we will see what we can work out. Don't forget to keep watching the videos on youtube or our troop's website. It is great to see the number of hits rise each week. It proves to me that there is a need to get these videos out where people and boys can see them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://www.melrosetroop68.org
  15. I am just curious... What would be some merit badge subjects you would suggest? Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC _____________________________________________________________ )Beavah, ) )Who cares about fitness & character & citizenship! We gotta )get better icons, less dorky uniforms & totally rad merit )badges! We ain't got time for no other stuff! ) )Ed Mori )Troop 1 )1 Peter 4:10
  16. The fifth and last of the Boy Scout Inspirational videos has now been uploaded to the youtube account. The one is called "I Am Proud To Be A Scout". It can be seen at: The other four videos are: Strong Values - On My Honor - I Voluteer - Accentuate the Positive - You can check out all of the Boy Scouting videos I have uploaded at http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=stevejb68 I hope you have enjoyed these videos. Later this week it will be time for a little spoof of Boy Scouting again when the newest "Buttons, the radical Boy Scout" video will be posted. This time Buttons works on being physically strong. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  17. "But why have you had (or choose) to be the SM for 25 years? Seems like another adult leader would want a crack at it?" It has been by choice, mostly. I have enjoyed being the scoutmaster, most of the time. I started with the troop as an assistant when I was nineteen, become scoumaster after turning 21, and have been the scoutmaster ever since. It has become part of my regular routine and life. I should also mention that I am single and can put the time toward it. I have often joked that if I ever married I would probably have to give up my Scouting and my Star Wars collection. Our troop is in a small rural community of 3200. No one has ever wanted the job of scoutmaster. All of the assistant scoutmasters over the years have stated they do not want the job. It boils down to if I quit, Scouting would probably die in town. We are having trouble right now keeping a 3 member committee so I do not foresee me retiring in the near future. I hope that at least patially answered your question. There was one other thing. Ever since I saw the movie "Follow Me Boys" when I was 24 years old, I thought it would be quite an accomplishment to be a scoutmaster for twenty years, so it was a bit of a goal, but not one I really thought I would achieve. I never intended to be scoutmaster for the same troop for twenty five years.
  18. Oh! I was not told that it was for each Scout! (That does make more sense though when you think about it.) lol Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  19. If you would like to see some statistics of what time it takes during 25 years of being a troop's scoutmaster, then you may enjoy this week's blog. http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  20. I think it is nice that they are actually asking our opinion on it. Steve B Scoutmaster
  21. In our council we hand out the bags the last Saturday of September and pick them up the first Saturday of October. We have done it these weekends for many years. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  22. I have uploaded two new videos to the stevejb68 channel on YouTube. Both videos are from the BSA Inspirational Shows dvd. These are the third and fourth videos from the series. The first video is "On My Honor". It can be seen at: The second video is "Strong Values". It can be seen at: All the BSA Scouting promotional videos and commercials that I have uploaded can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=C71DC26FD66AB6A0 Enjoy them. Steve B. Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://www.melrosetroop68.org
  23. I have been a scoutmaster for 25 years, starting when I was 21 years old. During that time I have done a lot of scoutmaster conferences. I have talked about conferences during district training sessions. For this week's blog I decided to write about how I conduct my scoutmaster conferences. If you would like to read it you can see it at: http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  24. I used to be a BOB WHITE and a good 'ol Bob White too... And now I'm finished Bob Whiting... I don't I don't know what to do... I'm growing old and feable and I can Bob White no more... So I am going to work my ticket if I can... Back to Gilwell.. Happy Land.. I'm going to work my ticket if I can...
  25. If you would like to see the patches of the last 20+ years of the Central Minnesota Naguonabe Lodge then you need to check out this page. http://melrosetroop68.org/OApatches.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop68, CMC
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