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Everything posted by stevejb

  1. Hey Eamonn, You don't by chance have that on a website somewhere for the rest of us to hear, do you? stevejb
  2. That's right. Buttons, that radical Boy Scout, has starred in another video. This time he talks about the Scout Motto, Be Prepared, and has a few words of wisdom for all the Scouts out there. This new video can be seen at his home at: http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html'>http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html It can also be seen on youtube at: or at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7D2B41F1C4396AEB Enjoy them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  3. This video has now been uploaded to youtube. You can view it at:
  4. Happy New Year everyone! ! ! Happy Scouting! May you all have a safe and enjoyable new year. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  5. I have always looked up to President Gerald Ford. He was the president when I was a Boy Scout. For that reason I wrote this week's entry to "A Scoutmaster's Blog" about my feelings toward our former president. You can read it at: http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html'>http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  6. I have posted an old BSA music video to our troop's website. It is called "We Do It". You can see it along with other Scouting videos at: http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html (I may add this to my "BoyScout" youtube group account at a later date.) Enjoy! Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
  7. I have never seen them on television. (Maybe I need to watch more tv!) I am curious though, during what programs have these videos played, and what time of day? I am wondering if the BSA commercials play during times when Scout aged boys are watching. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html
  8. You are most welcome! :-) Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  9. Hi gang, I found three BSA commercials(?) on an old video tape from a council recognition dinner in 2000 that I decided to post on youtube. The commercials are "very off the wall" and somewhat spoof Scouting. You can see the video at: Don't forget to leave a "comment" after you watch them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  10. You have a point there. I never thought of it in that manner. Oh well, if the BSA did not want Scouts wearing bolo ties then they should not make bolo ties. :-) Steve B
  11. If you would like to have a Scouting related picture as your wallpaper on the desktop of your computer I invite you to check out this site: http://melrosetroop68.org/desktops.html It contains photos from Philmont, the BWCA, summer camp, and some general Scouting pictures, many sized in several ways for your monitor. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org(This message has been edited by stevejb)
  12. " I just checked the uniform inspection forms. Seems that boys are to wear a neckerchief (inspection form #34283)." Actually, if you look on the inspection sheet, it states, "The neckerchief is optional to the troop." http://www.bsacmc.org/boy%20scout%20uniform%20sheet.pdf Our boys decided to start wearing the bolo tie back in the mid-80's and never looked back. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  13. I am really tired of the bickering going on in this thread. If I delete the video from youtube (after all, I am the one who posted it) can we stop this thread and get on with more constructive talks? Tell you what, why don't you all watch this video ( ), have a chuckle over it, and get on with the better things in Scouting and life. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC(This message has been edited by stevejb)
  14. I am just curious.... In your troop, do your Scouts wear the neckerchef, bolo tie, or no neck wear? We wear the bolo tie in our troop and the boys are fine with it. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  15. It is much better looking on the DVD. Youtube processes the videos for their website and thus they lose quality. It is better quality on our troop website. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  16. I think it is fine for families who can afford to do it. But if they make it mandatory in the future I could see it hurting Scouting by forcing families who cannot afford it to take their sons out of the program. Also, If the councils want to put such a financial "burden" on the families will the parents who volunteer their time receive compensation? Many families already put a lot of time and effort in Scouting that they do not receive payment for. I would like to see councils look to other places then the families to pay their costs. Scouting currently has a bad enough rep out there, we don't need to add "high cost" to it. Oh, by the way, I don't think popcorn sales should be a mandatory fundraiser that troops have to do. I have some hard feelings about these sales so don't get me started on them. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  17. I think it is a good video. Unfortunately, I don't think enough people are seeing it. And, unfortunately, there will be a lot of troops around the country that may not be able to provide (afford)the kind of program shown in the video. It takes money to do everything shown. We just have to do our best, I guess. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  18. I agree that this is the slowest responding of the groups that I belong to, but I will also agree that this is one of the best groups to belong to. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  19. The video was part of the ScoutZone DVD distributed by the BSA over the past few years. I copied it off the DVD and placed it youtube along with several others videos. I thought it would be good for others outside of Scouting to have a chance to see the videos; after all, I really don't see the BSA and councils using them very much outside of the Scouting program. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  20. What do you have to be thankful for? Here is my list of some Scouting things for which I am thankful: http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC
  21. It has been awhile but I have finally uploaded a new video featuring the Boy Scouts of Troop 68 doing another skit from their annual "Laughs For Lunch Show". This one is a funny "public service announcement" regarding the rash of pickpocket crimes that has been occuring. You can see it on youtube at: You can also view it on our "Scout Friendly" website at: http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html'>http://melrosetroop68.org/videos.html along with several other videos from the shows. Enjoy! Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
  22. Is this the commercial you are talking about? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVd5Ut-R_lE&eurl=
  23. Just a note for those of you who may be interested.... The latest entries to the "Scoutmaster's Blog" of our troop's website deal with the subjects of scary campfire stories and fundraising. If you would like to read them go to: http://melrosetroop68.org/blog.html YIS Steve B Troop 68, CMC www.melrosetroop68.org
  24. What do you know. The remarks were true! I received the dvd's (plural) on Tuesday. The Scout Zone dvd looks the same as it has the past two years. The new "advancement" dvd looks interesting. I have not watched it yet, but I look forward to seeing it. Steve B Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC http://melrosetroop68.org
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