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Everything posted by Stelly

  1. Hi, I met with our Charter Executive today and he mentioned that it was our 50th year with them as our Charter. I was wondering if anyone has any good ideas on how we can commemorate this occasion?
  2. I would probably buy the new uniform. Hey, If I'm going to spend time sewing patches on, I want to make sure I'd be in style for a few years!
  3. Yeah... um... don't quit your day job, you wouldn't be able to answer questions, you'd be too busy sewing!
  4. Ha, I missed the "buck" and thought you meant $50 per patch. (There are a few that I would have paid someone $50 to sew on!)
  5. I asked a friend of mine who loves to sew, if she would be interested in sewing on patches for the members of our Pack who don't have time to sew. I was just wondering what I should tell her to charge per patch?
  6. Thanks for your help everyone! I did the OWL training last fall, and got some wonderful ideas there.... now I just need to get my schedule all set.
  7. I was wondering if anyone has a schedule of what they will be covering this year for Webelos I that I could also follow. Also, what would be a GREAT first meeting? One that will make the boys completely enthused. I was thinking of maybe doing the Geologist Badge? Any other great meeting ideas?
  8. Hello Forum, I've been using this website for the past few years, and just stumbled on the forum awhile ago. Thought I'd join. I'm the CR for our Pack and also Asst. Webelo I Leader. I have two sons who will be in Webelo I and Webelo II, June 1. I just did the OWL training (fun!) and have been a Leader since my kids were Tigers. Are there any other Cheeseheads out there? Yours in Scouting, Stelly
  9. Hello, In our Pack we have a Webelo II boy who is soooo close to crossing over, but has lost interest. He is 1 pin, one boy scout outing and one boy scout meeting short of achieving rank. Is there anything that our Cubmaster and I can do do help him finish these things up?
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